~Let's Dance On - Part 4~

"I can't believe this is really happening." Madison exclaimed. She and Micky were cleaning up the house after the party.

"Neither can I." Micky took a paper plate and threw it into the garbage bag he was holding. "But it just feels right. After you guys left us alone, we sat there and talked and it was like being those four guys again living at the pad. We've spent the last 15 years living our own lives and doing our own thing. Those experiences may make The Monkees even better."

"I have no doubt in my mind." She smiled and took the garbage bag out of his hand. "So does this mean you're not mad about the little stunt we pulled earlier?" She tapped on the cymbal with her finger.

"No, I'm not mad." He chuckled. "I would like to know where you learned to play the drums like that. I mean, I knew Sammi played the piano and Robbie has had a guitar in his hand since he was three."

"You taught me." She went behind the drums and sat down.

"That was over 20 years ago." He declared.

"I have a confession to make." She admitted. "After we were married, I used to come down here and play all the time. Especially when you were on tour. Then it felt like you weren't so far away." She picked up the sticks and did a soft drum roll. "When I came up with this idea a few months ago, I started practicing again."

"You amaze me, doll." He took the sticks out of her hands and pulled her to her feet. He sat down on the stool and then brought her down to straddle his legs. "I love you." He whispered and then nibbled her ear lobe.

"I love you too." She moaned as his lips found that spot right behind her ear that drove her wild. She kissed him deeply while her fingers undid the ponytail he had started wearing recently. "Let's go to bed." She whispered in a husky voice.

Micky shook his head and unbuttoned her shirt. "I need you right here, right now." He looked up at her, his eyes dark with passion.

"Here?" She questioned and then smiled. She stood up in front of him and slowly pealed her clothes off, dropping them in a pile next to the snare drum. "Take me right here, right now."

So, they took each other.


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