~Little Girl - Part 1~

SPRING, 1989…

George used his key to let himself into his parents' house. He lived in an apartment close to the college campus but he came home often to do his laundry and 'borrow' groceries. He walked into the kitchen. "Anyone home?" He called.

Maria gasped and shot up from the table. "Mac, you scared me half to death!" She was the only one that could still get away with calling him that.

"Hey Ria." He laughed. "Sorry about that. What are you doing here?"

"Your mom and dad had to go out, so I'm watching Chris." She answered sitting back down. "What about you?"

"Grocery shopping." He chuckled and opened a few of the cabinets. "Homework?" He walked behind her and peered over her shoulder.

"Creative writing." She looked up at him. "It's hard being Michael Nesmith's daughter. They expect me to be some great writer or something."

"Try being the first born son of Micky and Madison Dolenz." He sat down next to her. "Do you like to write?"

"Yeah, I do." She smiled contently. "I just don't know if I'm as goo as everyone seems to think I should be."

"You're probably better." He reassured. "Can I read it?" He pointed to the notebook in front of her.

"Yeah, I guess." She pushed the notebook towards him. "I trust you not to laugh."

He hushed her with his hand and read the poem she had written. "Its beautiful." He handed the notebook back to her. "You are definitely a Nesmith." He smiled.

"Thank you, that means a lot." She blushed.

"Maria, we're home." Madison called as she and Micky came through the door.

"Hey mom." George called back.

"Look, doll, our son has come home to forge for food." Micky laughed.

"Hi dad." George gave an innocent look.

"Gee, I hope he brought his laundry too." Madison giggled. "How was Chris, Maria?"

"Just fine, Aunt Maddie. I gave him a bath and had to read him four stories before he would go to sleep." Maria answered.

"You got off easy." Madison smiled. "Uncle Micky will take you home when you're ready."

"I can drive her home." George suggested with his head in the refrigerator. "I'm going that way."

Madison helped him pack a few more groceries into a bag. "Well, it’s the least you can do after eating us out of house and home." She laughed.

"He's a growing boy, doll." Micky clapped his son on the shoulder.

"Just like his father." Madison joked.


George drove Maria home. "It was really great talking to you tonight." He said shutting off the engine. "I was thinking…I mean…would you like to go out Saturday night, maybe catch a movie or something?"

"Like a date?" Maria asked shyly.

"Yeah, if you want." He answered also shyly.

"I would really like that." She smiled.

"Good, I'll pick you up around 7:00."

"Okay." She opened the car door. "Thanks for the ride."

"You're welcome." He smiled. "Hey Ria?" He wanted until she stopped. "I really loved the poem you wrote."

"Thanks, Mac." She blushed and smiled. "I'll see you on Saturday."


George drove home in a daze thinking about Maria. She had been such a huge part of his life since he was four years old. He remembered the day she was born in the living room on the day of the big earthquake. His mom and dad had helped deliver her while he and Robbie, Jr. pretended to be asleep upstairs.

He had noticed lately that she wasn't the annoying little kid whose hair he used to pull, but a beautiful young woman. She had long thick chestnut colored hair and deep, dark eyes. She was tall, slender and graceful without being overconfident and stuck-up. In fact, her shyness made her even more beautiful.


Maria fell on her bed with a happy sigh. She had had a crush on George since she was 12. He never noticed her then, but lately he was and talking to her like an adult, not some little girl. She had always been more comfortable with people older than her age. George was only four years older but she found him to be decades maturer than the boys at her high school, even when he was a total goof-off.

He was sexy and handsome with dark curly hair and the clearest brown eyes she had ever seen. When he looked at her, she got butterflies in her stomach. But she didn't feel nervous around him. They knew each other so well and he had a soft way of making anyone feel comfortable.


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