~Little Girl - Part 2~

"Hi Aunt Sammi." George waved when Samantha opened the door. "I'm here to pick up Maria."

"She'll be down in a minute." Samantha held open the door. "I think it's nice that you and Ria are friends."

"Hi Mac." Maria came down the stairs wearing a pair of snug jeans and a red sweater.

"You look great." George smiled. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." She blushed a little when he took her hand. "Bye, mom."

"Have fun and be home by midnight." Samantha waved from the door. She closed it and walked into the family room.

"Did Ria and George leave?" Peter asked looking up from the piano.

"Yeah." She said with some hesitation.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm sure its nothing." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind.

"What is it?" He looked up at her worriedly.

"I get the feeling that they like each other as more than friends." She answered.

"Maybe you're just be over-protective." He smiled.

"Maybe." She rested her head on the top of his.


George and Maria shared a big bucket of popcorn at the movie and then took a barefoot walk on the beach hand in hand. They soon sat down on a rock and watched the ocean roll in and out.

There was a long comfortable silence between them until George slipped his arm around her shoulders. "I like being with you, Ria." He smiled.

"I like being with you too." She blushed a little.

He gently tipped her chin up and met her eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He asked shyly.

She nodded and leaned towards him as their lips met. It was a soft lingering kissed that absolutely made her heart stop.

He pulled away slowly and then stroked her hair. "That was nice." He kissed her temple. "I'm glad I asked you out."

"Me too." She smiled resting her head on his shoulder.


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