~Little Girl - Part 4~

It wasn't long before there was pounding on the front door. "That's my mom." Maria said in a panic.

"Everything is going to be alright." George cupped her face kissing her softly.

"I'll get it." Madison went to the door and opened it. "Hello Sammi, Peter." She gave a small smile. "We're glad you're here."

"Get out of my way, Madison!" Samantha stormed past her and into the kitchen. "And you get your hands off my daughter!" She pointed at George.

"Sammi, calm down." Peter placed his hands on her shoulders. "I thought we were going to be rational about this."

"I can't be rational about his. He knocked up my baby." She exploded.

"We don't know that yet." Madison stood between her and their kids. "She doesn't go to the doctor until tomorrow."

"It figures that your son would do the same thing to my daughter that Micky did to you." Samantha clamored.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Madison yelled back.

"You know exactly what I mean!" She inched closer to Madison.

Samantha and Madison continued to yell and scream at each other both defending their child. It wasn't until Micky whistled loudly between his teeth that they stopped and looked at him. "That's enough!"

"Micky is right." Peter stated. "You two have been so busy blaming each other that you haven't even noticed that the kids are gone."

"What?!" Both Madison and Samantha exclaimed in unison.

"You let them leave?" Samantha glared at Peter.

"Yes." Both Micky and Peter answered calmly.

"How could you to that?" Madison gave Micky the death look.

"They will be back later." Micky didn't back down. "They needed a little time by themselves."

"Being by themselves is what got them in this situation in the first place." Samantha said under her breath. "Doesn't your son know how to keep his hormones in check?"

"Well, maybe if your daughter wasn't so…" Madison was stopped when Micky placed his hand over her mouth.

"Don't say anything you might regret later, doll." He took her by the shoulders and led her into the living room followed by Peter leading Samantha. "Now, the four of us are going to sit down and discuss this like adults."

"I can't believe you're not upset about this." Madison bellowed at him.

"Of course I'm upset." Micky assured. "But what's done is done. If Maria is pregnant then we have to figure out what to do about it instead of blaming each other and them."

"I agree." Peter replied calmly. "All this yelling is solving anything. Can we try talking now?"

"Okay." Madison agreed carefully and looked at Samantha.

"Alright." Samantha nodded.

"Good." Both Micky and Peter smiled.


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