~Give Up Your Secrets - Part 1~

OCTOBER 15, 1967…

The last few months had sailed along with no problems. In fact, everything couldn't have been better. Madison had finished her second book of children's stories and was waiting for it to be published. The band was in the middle of a 10-week gig at the Dance Palace, Thursday through Sunday nights. Best of all, the five of them had become even closer.

Madison sat at the desk in her living room paying bills when Peter knocked on the door and came in. "Hi Maddie." He smiled. He was carrying an envelope in his hand.

"Hey Peter." Madison looked up, thankful for the distraction, and smiled. "What's up?"

"This letter is for you. The mailman accidentally left it in our box." He held out the envelope to her. "I thought I'd bring it over right away. The postmark is from Illinois."

Madison's hand started shaking as she reached out for the envelope and took it. Inside, she was screaming, no, this could not be happening. She looked at the return address and instantly got sick to her stomach. It was happening.

"Maddie?" Peter looked at her worriedly. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Madison snapped herself back into reality and looked up at Peter, her eyes full of fear. "I think I have." She said softly.

Peter stood close by as she opened the letter with shaky hands. She began reading and by the time she was done, silent tears were rolling down her cheeks. She bolted out of the back door and frantically ran to the pad; the letter still clutched in her hand and Peter running after her.

"Doll?" Micky was walking out of the kitchen with half a sandwich in his hand when she ran through the door.

Madison ran to him and grabbed him around the waist. He instantly threw his arms around her tightly; the sandwich tossed aside and forgotten. Her whole body was shaking. "Don't let go! Promise me you won't let go!" She cried hysterically.

"I'm not going to let go, doll, I promise." He held her tighter and gently rubbed her back. Mike and Davy came to stand close by and Micky looked at each of them but they only shrugged being just as confused as he was. Peter came running in the back door breathless.

"Maddie, please tell us what's wrong." Mike said softly putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"The postman delivered a letter here for her by mistake. I just gave it to her, it was from Illinois." Peter said bending over trying to catch his breath.

Slowly, Madison's sobs began to soften and Micky led her over to the couch. She curled up on his lap with his arms still tightly around her. Mike, Peter and Davy gathered close around them.

"Doll, what was in the letter?" Micky asked, stroking her hair.

"He found me."

"Who found you, luv?" Davy looked confused.

"Jack." She took a deep breath. She knew it was time to tell them everything. "My ex-boyfriend and the entire reason I moved to California."

"I don't understand." Mike said. "Why were you running from him?"

Madison took another deep breath and looked up. "He used to beat me. I even ended up in the hospital a few times." She could see the shock on their faces and looked down at her hands. "A few months before I left, I sent my first book to a publisher under a pseudo-name. I didn't want Jack to know I wrote it and believe me; it wasn't easy keeping in from him. Anyway, I put the money from the book away and started preparing for my escape." She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. "Whenever he would let me out of the house, I'd go buy something, like the couch and some dishes and stuff. I kept everything in a storage unit. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore." She sucked in a fearful breath. "So, one Sunday he went over to a friend's house and I packed up my clothes, went to the bank and took out the money, got my things from the storage unit and left. I just had to get out and I knew if I didn't do it then, the next time he would probably kill me."

Micky hugged her tightly. "Oh God, doll." He whispered. "Why didn't you tell us this before?"

"I couldn't." Madison's voice cracked. "I was ashamed and scared. I didn't want you to think badly of me."

"Maddie, we could never think that about you. You're a part of our family." Peter took her hand and squeezed it gently. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. What did he was wrong."

"Thank you." She managed a smile. "Here."

Mike took the letter from her and read it out loud: 'Madison, You thought you could hide from me, but you should have known better than that. After everything I have done for you, this is way you repay me? You will be sorry. I will never let you go. See you soon. Jack'

Everything was silent except for Madison's soft cries against Micky's chest. "What am I going to do?" She sobbed.

"Well, first I think we should call the police." Mike answered.

"And second, you should move in here for a while." Micky said. "If it's okay with you guys?" He looked at Mike, Peter and Davy and each of them nodded.

"I can't do that." Madison protested.

"Madison, you're staying here and that's all there is to it." Micky stated firmly, using her name to get his point across.

"Mick, he's insane. I can't put you guys in danger like that." Madison pleaded.

"Like Peter said, we're your family and we're going to protect you." Davy said. "You're staying here."

Madison smiled, she knew she would lose this battle. "I love you guys!"

"Does that mean you'll stay?" Peter asked.

"Yes." She hugged each of them tightly.


Mike called the police and was told there was nothing they could do unless Jack established physical contact with Madison. He had a few choice words for the police officer but it did him no good. Micky went with Madison back to her house to pack some clothes and other essentials. Peter and Davy set up bobby-traps over both the front and back doors; plenty of tin cans to make an awful racket if someone opened the door.

Mike gave Madison his bed because, first of all, it was the furthest from the door, and second, he knew she would probably sleep better if Micky was there with her. He also gave her strict instructions that she was not to go anywhere without one of them going with her.

She was terrified; every little sound the rest of the day made her jump. Before they all turned in for the night, Mike went around the house making sure each door and window was securely locked. He also placed a baseball bat next to the chaise lounge where he would be sleeping.

They all tucked her into bed that night and she hugged each of them tightly, drawing from their strength, finally feeling safe for the first time since that morning.

Micky climbed into bed after the others had said their goodnights. "I'm right here if you need me, doll." He looked over at her but she was already sleeping. It had been an exhausting day. He smiled and turned out the light.


Micky woke suddenly. He heard soft whimpers coming from the other side of the room. His eyes adjusted to the lack of light and he saw Madison tossing and turning in her sleep. "No…No." She pleaded, her face wet with tears.

Micky got up and went to her, sitting on the edge of the bed. Gently, he put his hand on her shoulder. "Madison, wake up." He said a little above a whisper, not wanting to scare her. "Doll, you're having a bad dream."

"NO!!!" She screamed bolting upright her eyes springing open.

"Its okay, doll, you're safe. I'm here." He put his arms around her and rocked her gently.

"Oh, Micky." She grabbed onto him for dear life, sobbing into his chest and her entire body shaking in fear.

"Shhh, baby, everything is going to be okay." He cooed softly, stroking her hair. "It was only a dream."

Mike, Peter and Davy busted through the door. "What happened?" Mike asked frantically.

"It's okay. She had a nightmare." Micky explained looking over his shoulder.

"Anything we can do?" Peter asked softly.

"No, go on back to bed. I've got it." Micky replied.

Mike thought to himself how strange it was seeing Micky in the big brother roll, only he had a suspicion that Micky didn't think of Madison as a little sister. It was something deeper than that. "Call us if you need anything." He drawled.

"Thanks guys." Micky smiled.

They walked out and Peter quietly closed the door behind them. Madison's shaking had started to subside and her grip around his neck loosened. "Do you want to tell me about it?" Micky asked still stroking her hair.

"No." She whispered. "Would you stay here with me?"

"Sure." He smiled, climbing under the covers with her.

Madison curled up next to him resting her head on his bare chest. "Micky?" She said sleepily.

"Yeah." He yawned, wrapping his arms around her.


She quickly fell back asleep and when her breathing had slowed, Micky finally replied. "I'd do anything for you, doll."


Two days. Two whole days. Madison sat on the floor leaning against the couch staring at a blank notebook. Stuck in here for two whole days and no sign of Jack. She was about to go stir crazy. She sighed.

"You okay doll?" Micky asked from the bandstand. Mike and Peter had gone to the music store and Davy went for a run on the beach.

Madison giggled, "Sorry. I didn't realize I did that out loud."

"What's wrong?"

"Writer's block. Plus, I'm about to go nuts being in this house all the time. Part of me wishes he would just show up so we can get this over with and have our lives back."

"Sounds to me like you need a stress reliever." Micky replied. He knew she was hurting and scared, but he also knew she wanted out. They were even afraid to let her go to the beach, figuring it was an open space and more dangerous than the confined surroundings of the pad.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" She looked at him questionably.

"Come up here and bang on the drums for a while." He cocked his head in their direction.

"Micky, I don't know how to play the drums." She laughed.

"I'll teach you." He exclaimed jumping up and grabbing her hand, practically dragging her behind him. "Sit down."

"Micky, I…" She tried to protest but he was already shoving the drumsticks in her hands.

He stood closely behind her with his arms wrapped around her holding her hands. "Just hold them loosely in your hands." God, she smelled so good, he thought to himself, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Like this?" If nothing else, she was enjoying the physical contact with him.

"Just like that." Micky held her hands and together they did a drum roll. "How's that feel?"

Madison was almost speechless; she began to understand why he loved it so much. "Incredible!"

He laughed out right. "I know." They did the drum roll a few more times together and then he took his hands away. "Okay, have at it." Madison looked over her shoulder at him apprehensively and he winked. "Go ahead."

Madison started the drum roll and the first few times she was completely off beat and then something clicked. The fifth time she did it perfectly. She jumped up. "I did it! I did it!" She threw her arms up in triumph knocking into Micky's chest, who lost his balance and the two of them tumbled to the floor.

Micky propped himself up on his elbows. "Damn, girl, next time remind me to go to the other side of the room."

She rested her arm on his chest. "I'm really sorry." She tried to stifle her giggles and finally couldn't hold it any longer, bursting into an all our roar.

"Yeah, I can see how sorry you are." He chuckled.

"Really, I am." She tried to compose herself. "Are you hurt?" Again, the giggles fought their way out.

"No, I'm not hurt." He huffed. "And let's just see exactly how sorry you are, doll." He flipped her over on her back and tickled her ribs. "You were saying?"

"Micky, stop!" She screeched laughing and trying to push his hands away. "Stop it!"

"I don't think so." He giggled moving his hand down to tickle that spot right behind her knee. "Now, how sorry are you?" He laughed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" She managed to let out between laughs. "Stop, stop!"

And he did…suddenly. They both lay there breathless, their eyes locked. He was right, he could drown in her eyes. He reached down and pushed a wisp of her hair out of her eyes. She couldn't look away, those almond-shaped eyes holding her gaze. She saw all the passion, fire and laughter behind them in a way she had never seen before.

Micky torn his gaze away, rolling off of her and standing up. He held his hand out to her and helped her up. "Madison, I…" He started still holding her hand.

"Micky, don't." She shook her head. "You don't have to apologize. We both got caught up in the moment there." She pulled her hand away and turned around.

Micky put his hands on her shoulders and made her face him. "I wasn't going to apologize." He whispered.

"You weren't?" Her voice cracked as she looked up at him.

He shook his head, cupping her face in his hands. He tilted his head down to hers until their lips were millimeters apart. "No, I wasn't." He whispered, barely touching her lips with his words. She ran her hands up his chest and around his neck, standing on her tiptoes and pulling him closer. He tangled one hand in her hair and kissed her. That kiss flowed into a serious of fiery kisses, one after another. There was no hesitancy or apprehension between them, only passion.

They were interrupted by applause and turned to see Mike, Peter and Davy all standing at the front door clapping and grinning. Madison dropped her head onto Micky's chest in embarrassment.

"Just how long have you been standing there?" Micky asked, more than a little annoyed.

"Long enough, man." Mike beamed. "And I must say, it's about damn time."

"I thought the fingers in her hair was a good touch." Davy laughed, holding his fist like a pretend microphone. "What did you think Mr. Nesmith?"

"I especially liked the way she had to stand on her tip toes to reach him." Mike laughed out right, a rare sight indeed.

"And what about you Mr. Tork?" Davy held his fist up to Peter.

"One of the best kisses I've ever seen." Peter giggled and blushed.

Madison and Micky looked at each other then at the guys then back at each other. They couldn't help but burst out laughing.


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