~Give Up Your Secrets - Part 2~

Micky and Madison walked the beach with arms around each other. They wanted some time alone and they also needed to escape the hoots and hollers that the guys were relentlessly pounding them with. "Can you believe those guys?" Micky laughed. "I'm never going to hear the end of this one."

"Hey, I still have to live there for a while too, ya know." Madison elbowed him in the ribs. "Are you complaining about why they are teasing us?"

Micky stopped and took Madison firmly by both shoulders. "No." He leaned over and kissed her softly.

"You better not." She teased.

Micky sat down in the sand and brought Madison down to sit between his legs. He wrapped both arms around her waist and propped his head on her shoulder. There was a long silence between them. "You thinking about Jack?" He finally asked.

"I don't want any of you to get hurt." Madison shivered. "Maybe I should go away for a while, at least until this blows over."

"No!" Micky stated firmly tightening his arms around her. "What if he found you? You would be all alone."

"But…" She protested, turning around to look at him.

He put a finger to her lips. "No buts. I'm not about to let you go, not now, not ever."

She touched his face with her fingers. "Does this scare you? I mean, you and me, together?"

"A little." He said honestly. "You?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "We've been friends for a long time."

"Best friends." He corrected.

"Best friends." She restated. "I never want to lose that."

He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Were you and Jack friends before you got involved?" She shook her head. "Neither were me and Tina." He smiled. "So, maybe that's the key…we were friends first."

"Best friends." She teased.

"Best friends." He chuckled softly in her ear nuzzling her neck.

They both stood up and brushed the sand off themselves then casually started walking back towards the pad. Micky stopped and picked up a perfect seashell. He dusted the sand away and placed it in Madison's hands. "Now we get to discover each other in a whole new way." He smiled. She reached up and pulled him into a long sensual kiss letting him know just what a good idea that was.


Micky and Madison were almost to the pad when Peter ran up to them. "What's wrong, big Peter?" Micky asked noticing the worried look on his face.

Peter looked at Micky and then over at Madison. "Jack is inside."

Madison felt her knees weaken and Micky's arm tighten around her. "Here? Now?" Her voice shook.

Peter nodded slowly. "We tried to get rid of him but he wouldn't go."

"MADISON!" A deep bellow came from the patio of the pad.

Madison looked over Peter's shoulder and there he was. Jack Seymour. Tall, almost 6'5", dark, muscular and mean. She thought about the first time she had ever seen him and how handsome she thought he was. Now, she felt nothing for him except hate and fear. Madison reached down and grabbed Micky's hand. "Well, I guess this is it." She said quietly.

"MADISON!" Jack yelled again. She could hear the anger in his voice.

"Are you okay?" Micky asked concerned holding tight to her hand.

"As long as I've got you guys, I'll be fine." She smiled up at him. "Let's get this over with."

She started walking but Micky pulled her back. "Wait." He said leaning over and engaging her in a soft lingering kiss. "Okay, now we can go." He winked.

Madison giggled, "That should really piss him off."

Micky and Madison led the way up to the pad with Peter following close behind. Her eyes met with Jack's. "Come inside." She said softly but firmly quickly looking away.

Jack followed them inside. Instantly, Mike and Davy jumped to their feet. "We tried, Shotgun." Mike started.

"It's okay." Madison smiled. She crossed the room still holding onto Micky's hand. The four of them stood around her like bodyguards. "How did you find me Jack?"

Jack glared at her. "It wasn't easy. You covered your bases pretty well." He gave an evil chuckle. "Until I remembered something you said one night in bed." He looked at Micky and smirked, as if to say, I had her first.

Micky took one step forward but Mike grabbed his shoulder. "He's not worth it, man." Mike said softly.

"What did I say?" Madison asked.

"That you always wanted to see the ocean. After I remembered that, then it was just a matter of time." He walked towards her. "Okay, hide and seek is over. I'm taking you back home where you belong."

"No!" Madison stated strongly.

"What did you say?" Jack's eyes grew wide.

"I said no!" Madison could feel her heart pounding harder and faster. She thought for sure that it would break right out of her chest. She had only said no to him once before and that time she ended up in the hospital with four cracked ribs and a broken wrist, not to mention numerous cuts and bruises. "I'm not going anywhere with you ever!"

Jack took another step towards her and reached out to grab her arm. Micky stepped in between them. "Don't touch her." His voice was low and steady.

"She belongs to me and I'm not leaving without her." Jack stormed.

"Then you better start paying rent because she isn't going anywhere with you." Micky half-laughed.

"You've got a pretty funny boyfriend here." Jack mocked. "Too bad he hasn't discovered what a little bitch you are." He looked back at Micky. "She's pretty and all, but she doesn't know her place, especially in the bedroom."

"Get out!" Micky growled.

Jack laughed out right. "I'll go." He pointed his finger at Madison. "But next time you'll leave with me like a good little girl or I'll drag you out of here." He stormed out the front door slamming it behind him.


The five of them stood there in a dead silence after Jack left, no one making a sound. Finally, Madison walked towards the kitchen. "I'm going to start dinner." She tried to sound upbeat.

"Dinner?" Mike looked over at her like she was from another planet.

"Yes, dinner, you know that thing you eat between lunch and the midnight snack." She laughed.

"Doll, don't you think we better talk about Jack." Micky also couldn't believe what she was doing.

"We can talk later." She justified. "Right now, we should eat." She took a pan out of the cabinet and was about to place it on the stove when everything went black.


Madison slowly blinked her eyes open. "What happened?" She looked around and realized she was lying on Mike's bed.

"You fainted luv." Davy answered. They four of them were gathered around the bed.

Peter handed Micky a wet washcloth, which he put on her forehead. "How do you feel?"

"Tired." She whispered and closed her eyes. "So tired."

"Everything is going to be okay, doll, go to sleep." He softly wiped her face with the cloth. He hummed "Sometime in the Morning" until she was fast asleep.


When Madison awoke the next time, the sun was pouring in through the window. She looked around trying to get her bearings. Micky was sitting next to her propped up against the headboard. He must have been there all night; Madison thought to herself and smiled. She gingerly climbed over his long legs and got out of bed then tiptoed towards the door. "Mornin'." Micky yawned.

"Sorry." Madison turned around and walked back to the bed. "I didn't mean to wake you." She sat down on the edge

"How do you feel?" He stretched his arms out and then wrapped them around her pulling her onto his lap.

"Better." She smiled wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry for being so much trouble."

Micky nuzzled her neck, "Mmm, you're worth it."

"That tickles." She giggled, running her hand over his unshaven face. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving." He kissed her passionately running his fingers through her tangled hair. "But that can wait for a few minutes."

Madison didn't argue but instead took advantage of the few stolen minutes they had now before Mike, Peter and Davy discovered they were awake.


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