~Give Up Your Secrets - Part 3~

Another two days passed slowly. "Go." Madison pushed at Micky's chest. "I'll be fine."

"Doll, I don't know, I think one of us should stay here." He protested holding onto her hands.

"Micky, I'm a big girl and I can stay here by myself for a couple of hours." She stated firmly. "Besides, it's an audition that none of you can afford to miss."

He knew she was right but it didn't make him feel any better. Mike had put a hand on his shoulder trying to nudge him out the door. "Maddie, make sure you lock the doors."

"You're not my real mother." Madison laughed then stopped abruptly noticing the four annoyed looks she was getting. "I promise, I'll lock the doors." She held up her right hand. "Please go."

Micky pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly. "We'll be back soon."

"I'll be right here." She smiled, waving as they walked down the front steps to the Monkeemobile. "Good luck."

She closed the door tightly and made sure it was locked. "Finally, a moment's peace." She said out loud. She loved them all dearly but they were milling around her like four mother hens. She could hardly go to the bathroom without 20 questions.

She poured herself a cup of coffee and curled up on the couch with her notebook. She didn't feel much like writing; what she really wanted to do was lay in the sun but that was completely out of the question. She had promised to stay in; not only that but if they found out, she'd never hear the end of it. She set the coffee cup on the table and stretched out on the couch dreamily closing her eyes.

She didn't hear the back door open or the footsteps coming across the floor. Instead, she woke up at the tugging of her hair and the slam of her backside on the floor. "I told you I'd be back." The unmistakable growl of Jack's voice ripped whatever hope she had left that this was just a terrible dream.

"Let me go!" She screamed, fighting and clawing at his hands that were pulling her by the hair across the floor.

He stopped and yanked her to a standing position. She tried to break free and run but he still had a clump of her hair in his hand. "I don't think so little girl." He smacked her hard across the face.

"Jack, please." She pleaded. "Let me go." She tried to keep her voice as calm as possible.

Again, another backhanded slap across her face. "I was good to you." He threw her to the floor. "And you run off to live with a bunch of long-haired losers!"

"You were never good to me!" Calm voice gone, replaced by pure anger. "You never loved me! All you ever did was hurt me!"

"You bitch, when will you learn!" He kicked her hard in the ribs causing her to fall over on her side. "You disgust me! I don't even know why I ever bothered with you." He was on top of her now delivering blow after blow to her face, arms, chest and stomach.

"Then leave." She whimpered, trying to crawl out from under him.

He punched her stomach and then slammed her head back into the floor. "I'm through with you!" He stood up and kicked her hard in the ribs twice more before storming out the front door leaving her curled up in a ball on the floor half-conscious and bleeding.


"Man, I really hope we get this gig." Peter commented as the four of them walked up the steps to the pad.

The door was ajar and suddenly four happy faced turned to four terrified ones. "Oh God." Micky said under his breath bolting through the door. "Doll?" He called, his voice shaking. He had stopped dead in his tracks as Mike, Peter and Davy bumped into him from behind.

"Call an ambulance! Now!" Mike commanded.

"Got it!" Davy ran to the phone.

Micky dropped to his knees beside Madison. "Doll?" Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked down at her.

"Don't move her." Mike stated, dropping down next to him.

"Mike, she's not moving!" Micky exclaimed on the edge of hysterics. He picked up her limp hand in his. He could hardly recognize her face for all the blood.

Mike felt her neck for a pulse and gave a relieving sigh that there was one. "She's going to be okay." He reassured, hoping to God that he was right.

"The ambulance is on its way." Davy announced.


They waited and waited for what seemed like endless hours in the waiting room of Malibu Community Hospital. Every time anyone who even looked like a doctor came into the room they would jump up only to be disappointed. Mike paced back and forth his fists jammed into his pockets, Davy stared out the window sipping day-old coffee, and Peter sat with his arm around Micky, who looked pale and sick.

"Mr. Dolenz." A short balding doctor came into the room.

Micky ran over to him quickly followed by the others. "I'm Micky Dolenz."

"I'm Dr. Strand."

Micky gestured to the others. "This is Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork and Davy Jones." The doctor nodded at each of them. "How's doll…I mean Madison? How is she?"

He looked down at the chart in his hands. "She has a concussion, four broken ribs, numerous bumps and bruises and a broken finger. She's still in and out of consciousness, but she is going to be just fine."

They all sighed collectively. "Can we see her?" Mike asked.

"Of course." He smiled. "Follow me."

Dr. Strand took them to Madison's room on the third floor. "Don't stay too long." She was lying in bed with an IV in her arm and other machines beeping around her. Her face was badly cut and bruised and her right eye swollen shut. Micky walked over to the bed thinking how small and frail she looked. He took her hand in his and kissed it. "Doll, its Micky. Mike, Peter and Davy are here too."

Slowly, Madison blinked her good eye open. "Hey." She whispered.

"The doctor says you're going to be just fine." Micky smiled leaning over and gently kissing her cheek.

"He's gone." She choked back the tears. "Said he was done with me."

Mike stood on the other side of the bed and took her other hand. "We'll talk about that later."

A nurse came in the room telling them they had to leave but Micky refused. There was no way he was leaving her side. Finally, the nurse agreed he could stay but the others had to leave. Mike, Peter and Davy each said their good byes, giving her gentle hugs. Micky pulled a chair up next to the bed and after watching her sleep and reassuring himself she was going to be okay, feel asleep still holding her hand.


Madison had to stay in the hospital for another day before Dr. Strand released her. The police had come to see her once she was back at the pad and she told them everything that happened. Micky wanted Jack to be caught, shot and buried but Madison refused to press charges.

"Madison, have you gone completely insane?" Micky yelled as soon as the police were gone.

She looked up at him shocked at the anger in his voice. "No. Micky, he's not coming back."

"How can you be so sure? My God, doll, the man almost killed you." His voice cracked.

"He told me he was through with me. It's over." She sighed. "He's not a liar. It’s the only redeeming quality he has."

"Mike, help me out here." Micky turned to Mike. "Tell her to press charges."

Mike sighed, "I can't do that, Mick. Maddie has to decide what's best."

Micky looked over at Peter and Davy who were also nodding in agreement with Mike. "Great bunch of friends you are." He stormed. "Well, I'm going to file charges against him for something." He walked towards the phone.

"No you're not!" Madison screamed. She stood up holding onto her side and wincing in pain. "It's over! And I'm sick of you treating me like a little girl. Just leave it alone!" She stormed out the back door and onto the beach.

Micky started after her but Mike stopped him. "Let her go, man. She's needs to work this out by herself."


Madison walked to the water's edge and flopped down in the sand. She hadn't meant to scream at Micky the way she did, but at that point she couldn't think of anything else to do. The truth was she was scared. Scared was an understatement, she was terrified. She tried to believe that Jack wasn't coming back but part of her was fearful he would. The nightmares she was having proved those feelings. Since the second night in the hospital she had woken up in tears, the images of Jack ripping through her mind. She hadn't told anyone, especially Micky, about them. He was worried enough. And besides, maybe they would stop now that she was back at the pad. They had talked her into staying a few more days but she insisted on sleeping on the chaise lounge and giving Mike his bed back. She would never admit it, but she was happy and relieved that she didn't have to go back to that empty house alone yet.


Micky couldn't sleep. Madison had hardly said a word to any of them after she came back from the beach. He knew deep down he was probably smothering her but he cared so much for her and couldn't stand the thought of Jack getting his hands on her again. He also knew deep down that he should trust Madison's instincts but that didn't ease his mind any.

He finally got out of bed deciding that maybe a snack would help him sleep. He tiptoed down the stairs and heard her crying. "Doll?" He whispered loudly walking over to the lounge. Tears were streaming down her face and her body was lashing back and forth.

"Stay away from me!" She cried.

He sat down on the edge of the lounge. "Doll, wake up." He shook her gently.

"No!" Her eyes sprang open and she looked at him in fear. "Get away from me Jack!"

Micky grabbed her by both shoulders. "Madison, its me, Micky. Wake up."

"Micky?" The fear slowing fading from her eyes as they adjusted to his face.

He pulled her up and into his arms. "I'm right here."

The tears started pouring down her face. "I'm so sorry." She cried. "I didn't mean to scream at you this afternoon."

"Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for." He rocked her gently in his arms. "I had it coming. You were right, I have been treating you like a little kid instead of a girlfriend."

Madison pulled back and looked up at him. "Girlfriend?"

"Well, yeah…I mean…I thought…" He fumbled over his words.

Madison giggled at little then put a finger to his lips. "Just shut up and kiss me."

Micky's smiled reached from ear to ear. "Yes ma'am." He cupped her face in his hands and brought her lips softly down upon hers.

"They made up." Davy commented from the bottom of the staircase.

"That's groovy." Peter smiled then yawned.

"Good, maybe we can all get some sleep now." Mike drawled from the top of the stairs.

"They have a real talent for that, don't they?" Madison giggled.

"Ignore them, maybe they'll go away." Micky coaxed her lips back to the business at hand.



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