~New Beginnings~


"Where's Micky?" Madison asked. She was sitting at the kitchen table with Mike, Peter and Davy. It had been two weeks since she had been released from the hospital and today was the day she was moving back into her house. The nightmares had stopped finally and physically she was healed. The police had also informed her that Jack Seymour had, indeed, gone back to Illinois so there was no other excuse for her to stay any longer. She didn't want to go and she knew they didn't want her to leave but it was time.

"He said he had some errands to run." Peter answered.

She stood up from the table. "Well, I guess its time I start moving this stuff back home." She walked over to her two suitcases.

"No!" Mike exclaimed running in between her and the suitcases. "You can't."

"Michael, what's wrong with you?" She laughed trying to dodge around him.

"Micky said he wanted to help you." Mike answered.

"I think I can manage two suitcases by myself." She faked left and then went around him to the right.

"Come on, Maddie." Davy jumped up. "He'll be home soon."

"Alright." She threw up her hands in defeat. "But something weird is going on here."


Madison waited the rest of the morning and into the late afternoon. Every time she said she wasn't going to wait for Micky any longer and go home to unpack, one of them would do everything possible to talk her out of it. Peter had even gone so far as to take her suitcases and hide them in the bedroom he shared with Davy.

"This is ridiculous!" Madison said frustrated just as Micky walked in the front door. "Where have you been?"

"Sorry doll, I had some things to do." Micky beamed. "Are you all packed?"

"I have been all day but they wouldn't let me leave." She wasn't sure what he was up to but she knew it was something.

"Well, come on let's go." He took the suitcases from Peter.

"Don't be pushy." She laughed. "I have to say goodbye."

She walked over to Peter. "I'm glad your safe, Maddie."

Madison wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you for everything big Peter."

Davy was next. "If you need anything luv, promise you'll call."

Madison laughed, tears springing in her eyes. "I promise." She hugged him tightly then walked over towards Mike. "I didn't realize it was going to be this hard to leave."

"We're gonna miss you Shotgun." He pulled her close.

"I'm gonna miss you too." She kissed him softly on the cheek. "Thank you."

"You're going to see them tomorrow." Micky laughed. "Come on."

"Alright already." She shot him an annoyed look and wiped her eyes. "Let's go."


Micky and Madison walked out the front door and over to her house. "You want to tell me what you're up to?" Madison asked casually.

He set the suitcases down on the front step and took out his key. "Me? Up to something?" He flashed a smiled. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah, right." She laughed.

Micky unlocked the door and held it open for her. She walked through the small front hallway and into the living room. The entire room glowed from candlelight and the setting sun streaming in through the windows. The couch had been moved against the wall and in its place was a blanket surrounded by candles and baskets of food. There was wine chilling in an ice bucket, cheeses, fruit and bread. Soft music played in the background. "Oh my." Madison gasped. "Its beautiful."

"You're beautiful." Micky wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "This is just dinner."

"I can't believe you did all this." She put her arm around his waist.

"I wanted you're homecoming to be something special." He took her hand and led her to the blanket.

"It is." She smiled sitting down. "The guys knew about this, didn't they?"

He poured two glasses of wine and handed her one. "I'll never tell." He teased then leaned over and kissed her softly.


They spent the rest of the evening eating and talking; something they hadn't done it some time, considering the upheaval their lives had gone through lately. "I really missed this." Madison commented putting some of the food away in the refrigerator.

"I really missed you." Micky caught her around the waist and nuzzled her neck then looked down at her. "You don't have any other psycho ex-boyfriends I should know about, do you?"

Madison laughed, "No, one was quite enough, thank you." She looked up at him seriously. "I can't believe you did all of this for me."

He took her chin in his hand. "I'm not like Jack."

"I know." She pulled away walking back to the blanket and sitting down. "But it's hard, I've never known anything else."

He sat down next to her. "Its time you had a new lesson."


Micky kissed her then, soft kisses starting at her forehead, down to her eyelids and her nose, over her cheeks and chin, down her neck and finally coming back up to her lips. Madison knew this wouldn't last, soon he would start pushing and hitting and ripping and then it would be over. Just like Jack. But the soft kisses continued down her neck and chest as he carefully unbuttoned her blouse. She reached down and pulled her blouse to cover herself and then looked at him with fearful eyes waiting for the outburst. But Micky only smiled softly, taking her hand and kissing the palm. "If you're waiting for me to hurt you, you'll be waiting forever." He whispered tracing her face with his fingers.

Some of the protective wall she had built because of Jack began to crumble. She felt a wanting for Micky, a desperate hunger she had never known before. "Micky, I want…" The words fell away.

"Tell me, doll. Say the words." He crushed his lips down upon hers then pulled back and looked at her.

"I want you." She whispered, tears glistening in her eyes.

When they made love it was almost more than she could stand. No one had ever been so gentle and loving. There was no rush or pain. Her skin was on fire every time he touched her, kissed her. He took her over the edge time after time; her head swimming with sensations she had never felt before. And when they collapsed together breathless and in each other's arms, the tears started. "I never knew." She whispered

Micky propped himself on one elbow. "I will never hurt you." He leaned over and kissed the tears off her cheeks.



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