~Forget That Girl - Part 1~

MAY, 1968...

"Damn, we're going to be late!" Madison looked down at her watch, over at Samantha, then laughed. Since she and Mike had been together, Madison had gained a sister. They had spent the afternoon shopping and were supposed to be at the pad watching rehearsal.

"We're always late." Samantha giggled. "Can we help it if there was a sale going on and we couldn't resist."

"Good point." Madison speeded down the boulevard trying to make up for lost time. "Besides, Micky is gonna flip when he sees that dress." She whipped the car into her driveway. With their arms full of packages from various department stores they went into Madison's house dropping them on the couch. "I just need to brush my hair really quick."

"Wait for me." Samantha followed into the bathroom.

Afterwards, they ran out the back door, through the sand and into the back door of the pad. "Sorry, we're…" Madison stopped dead in her tracks, Samantha running into her from behind. What was Tina doing here?

"Is that Micky's old girlfriend?" Samantha whispered and Madison nodded slowly.

"Look who's here, Maddie." Mike said trying to sound upbeat. In reality, he couldn't stand Tina. He walked over and gave Samantha a kiss then squeezed Madison's shoulder.

"I see." Madison remained calm. "Hi Tina, I'm a little surprised to see you." And, boy, was she. How was it possible for the girl to actually get better looking since she had moved away? She looked even more like the typical California girl, only better, tall, blonde and busty.

"Hello Madison." Tina replied coldly. "I had a change of plans so I decided to come back and see my Micky." She smiled at Micky who had walked over to Madison and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, luv, didn't anyone tell you?" Davy jumped in, seeing the fire spit from Madison's eyes. "Micky and Madison are a couple now."

"I heard something about that but I though it was just a rumor." Tina laughed.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but it's definitely true." Madison wrapped her arm around Micky's waist, holding on to his shirt for dear life.

"He must have been on the rebound from me." Tina smirked.

That was it! Madison lunged for her, but Micky caught her around the waist, holding her back. "Don't do this, doll." He whispered in her ear.

"Tina, I think you should leave!" Peter walked over to the front door and held it open.

Tina stood up casually and put her purse over her shoulder. "Well, good night then." She looked over at Micky and winked. "I'll see you tomorrow, Mick."


When Tina was gone, Micky released Madison, who instantly whirled around to face him. "What the hell did she mean she would see you tomorrow?"

Mike, Samantha, Peter and Davy all stood there, looking down at the floor and fidgeting. They knew they should leave the room and let Micky and Madison argue without an audience, but their curiosity was holding them back.

"She's coming to gig tomorrow night and then she wanted to go out afterwards for coffee." Micky replied quietly.

"Have you completely lost your mind?" Madison stormed, throwing her arms up in the air. "And just what I am supposed to do? Go home and wait for you to show up."

"Come on, doll, don't be like that." Micky defended. "It's only coffee."

"Yeah, and I'm only your girlfriend in case you forgot." She couldn't take anymore of this. She stomped out the back door, slamming it behind her.

"That didn't go well at all." Micky half-chuckled.

Mike looked at Micky as if he were from another planet. "What kind of moron are you?"

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Micky snapped back.

"I think what Mike is trying to say," Davy chimed in, not wanting to see two of his best friends end up in a fistfight, "is that Maddie is the best thing that ever happened to you and you just let her walk out of here."

"I know that!" Micky exclaimed. "I love Madison with all my heart." Whoa! When exactly had that happened? He thought for a second. But it was true; he was in love with her.

"Mick, have you ever told her that?" Samantha asked.

"Well, no." He answered shyly.

"Maybe you should." Peter stated.

Micky smiled. "Thanks Pete." He walked out the back door.

"Nice job, Pete." Both Mike and Davy patted him on the back.


Micky saw Madison standing on her patio staring out at the ocean. She saw him coming and turned around to go into the house. "Doll, wait, we need to talk." He called after her.

"We have nothing to talk about!" She walked in the back door.

"Damn it, Madison!" He followed in right after her. "We're going to talk if I have to tie you down to do it."

Micky rarely called her Madison anymore so she knew he was serious. "Fine, talk." She pushed some of the packages off of the couch and sat down.

"I'm sorry about Tina, I didn't know she was even back in town." He cleared off some of the other packages and sat down next to her. "You know what she said isn't true, I wasn't on the rebound when we started seeing each other."

"I know." Madison whispered looking over at him. "But you know she's going to do everything in her power to get you back."

Micky smiled and gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. "She can't have me, I'm already taken."

"Yeah, by who?" Madison teased.

Micky cupped his hands around her face and whispered, "You." Then he kissed her, gently at first, barely brushing his lips against hers. That kissed flowed into a series of fiery kisses, one after another until they were both breathless. He looked at her, loosing himself in her eyes. "I love you Madison."

Madison smiled, tears welling up in her eyes. "I love you Micky."

Micky let out a whooping yell, making Madison double over with laughter, then he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.


The next night the band had a gig at the Dance Palace and it was filled to capacity, as it always was when they played there. Madison and Samantha sat at a table close to the stage clapping and singing along with the rest of the audience. Of course, Tina was also there, one minute glaring at Madison and the next batting her eyes at Micky.

"For our last song tonight," Micky spoke into the microphone; "I'd like to dedicate it to my girl." He winked at Madison. "This is 'Sometime in the Morning'."

Every girl in the place was green with envy, including Tina, who was now even more determined to get Micky back. After tonight, she thought to herself, Micky will be mine again.

Afterwards, Samantha and Madison met the band backstage. Tina was waiting by the door. Madison knew she was up to no good, but she also knew that Micky was in love with her.

"If you don't want me to go, I won't." Micky said taking Madison's hands in his.

"Of course, I don't want you to go, but if you don't, she'll never leave us alone." She smiled up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a long sensual kiss, one she hoped would keep his mind off of Tina. "Come over and wake me up later."

"You can count on that, baby." He nuzzled her neck. "I love you."

"I love you." She kissed him once more then left with the guys and Samantha. She did not know, but all of their lives were about to take a drastic turn!


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