~Forget That Girl - Part 2~

POUND…POUND…POUND…Madison shot up in bed. POUND…POUND! She looked over at the clock, 2:30 in the morning, who could that be? Maybe Micky forgot his key. She threw on her robe and shuffled her way to the front door. "Who is it?" She asked sleepily.

"Maddie, its Mike." Madison opened the door. "Go throw some clothes on." He ordered.

"Mike, its 2:30 in the morning." Then she saw the terrified look in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Its Micky. He was mugged on his way home. We have to get to the hospital."

Madison clasped her hand over her mouth and gasped. "Is he okay?"

He reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder. "I don't know, darlin', they wouldn't tell me over the phone. Go get dressed. Davy is getting the car."

Madison flew back into her bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans and the first shirt she found. She would later realize it was another one of Micky’s shirts. He certainly had a habit of leaving his clothes lying around, she thought to herself with a smile then snapped herself back into reality. She grabbed a pair of socks and shoes to put on in the car. Mike was still standing at the front door when she returned and the two of them ran back to the pad and jumped in the Monkeemobile with Peter and Davy then sped to Malibu Community Hospital.


They arrived at the hospital and Mike went to the desk to ask about Micky and, of course, was told he'd have to take a seat and wait. Samantha came running in the waiting room. "Any word yet?" She hugged Madison for a long time.

"No." Madison replied, she was pale and looked sick.

For the next two hours, they sat and waited. Mike paced back and forth stopping from time to time only to give Samantha's hand a squeeze. Davy flipped through an old magazine not even reading it, just trying to pass the time. Peter kept his arm around Madison as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Mr. Nesmith?" Dr. Strand came out looking around.

Mike rushed over to meet him, followed closely by the others. "Hello, Dr. Strand." He answered. "You remember Peter Tork, Davy Jones and Madison Sage. And this is Samantha Green."

The doctor nodded at each of them. "How are you doing Ms. Sage?"

"Fine, thank you doctor." Madison said weakly.

"How's Micky?" Peter could stand the suspense anymore.

Dr. Strand looked down at the chart in his hands. "Mr. Dolenz is unconscious. He received a pretty good bump on the head and from all the x-rays we've taken there doesn't seem to be any permanent damage. But head injuries are never completely black and white so we are just going to have to wait and see."

Madison felt her knees weaken and both Peter and Samantha grabbed her arms to steady her. "Can we see him?"

"Of course, follow me." Dr. Strand motioned to them.

He led them to Micky's hospital room where Micky was lying flat on his back, an IV in his arm and his head bandaged up.

Madison cautiously walked over to the bed. "Micky, baby, its Maddie." She took his hand in hers and held it tightly. "Mike, Peter, Davy and Sam are here too. Everything is going to be alright." She said softly.

The five of them stayed with him the rest of the night and late into the morning. Each of them took turns holding his hand and talking to him. Dr. Strand tried to talk them into going home to get some rest but they wouldn't hear of it. This is where they were needed so this is where they were staying.

Around mid-afternoon, Madison was sitting next to the bed, holding his hand and gently stroking his unruly curls. She felt him squeeze her hand and at first she wasn't sure if it was her imagination until he did it again.

"He squeezed my hand!" She exclaimed to the others. "I think he's waking up."

Davy smiled, "I'll go get the doctor."

Davy had no sooner brought Dr. Strand in the room when Micky started blinking his eyes open. Peter and Davy started jumping up and down and Mike and Samantha hugged tightly. Madison smiled, still holding his hand, tears running down her face. She was the first to notice something was wrong.

"Micky?" She said, hushing the others with her hand. "What's wrong?"

Micky looked at each of them, one by one, a completely bewildered look on his face. "Who are you people?"


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