~Forget That Girl - Part 4~

The next morning, the guys and Madison checked Micky out of the hospital. Samantha had to go into work for a couple of hours but promised she would meet them at the pad afterwards. They couldn't help but laugh at him when he saw the Monkeemobile. His eyes practically popped out of his head, but he liked it.

Mike pulled the car up in front of the pad and they all piled out. "Well, this is it." He announced as they walked through the front door.

Micky walked through the living room looking at everything and trying to take it all in.

"You're room is upstairs." Davy laughed, "But you won't recognized it at all."

Micky looked at him puzzled, "Why not?"

"Because Maddie cleaned it up." He held his stomach and laughed even harder.

They all joined in except for Micky who didn't understand the joke.

"Sorry, man." Mike chuckled. "But you're a slob."

"Well, that's nice to know." Micky laughed.

They spent the next couple of hours showing Micky around the house. They showed him the room he shared with Mike, his drum set and what seemed like hundreds of pictures. By the time they were through the last picture and, of course, the story that went along with it, Micky was exhausted and irritated because he still could not remember anything.

Madison finally suggested that she take him to her house, if for no other reason, it would give him a break. He happily agreed and followed her out the door and across the sand to her house.

"You spend a lot of time here too, maybe something will jog your memory." She said after they were in the house.

Micky walked around the living room. He picked up a picture off her desk of the two of them, arms wrapped around each other. "When was this taken?"

Madison walked over to see what he was looking at and started laughing. "That was the day Peter got his new camera. He was taking pictures of everything and everyone. We couldn't get him to stop. You finally took it from his room one night when he was sleeping and hid it."

"Where did I hid it?" Micky laughed.

"In the closet in my bedroom. In fact, its still there." She pointed towards her room.

Micky put the picture back on the desk and noticed a seashell that was sitting next to it. Something about the shell seemed so special and familiar. "What does this seem so familiar?" He picked up the shell and turned it over and over in his hands.

Madison sighed sadly, "You gave that to me the first time you kissed me."

"You mean, you and I…" He was completely floored. "Oh God, I had no idea."

Madison walked over to the couch and sat down, then looked over at him, hoping that this was the key to his memory. "We've been together for seven months now."

"I have good taste." He smiled sitting down next to her.

Madison softly laughed but on the inside it felt as if someone was ripping her heart out. She wanted so much for him to take her in his arms and tell her everything was going to be okay, that he remembered her and their love.

"I know you can't remember me much less what we have together." She said quietly. "But I want you to know I'm not going anywhere. None of us are, we're here for you and we're going to help you as much as we can."

"Thanks." He replied softly, putting his head in his hands. "I just wish I could remember something. Its so frustrating, my whole life up until yesterday is gone."

Madison reached over and ran her fingers through his curls. "Are you hungry? Maybe some food will help."

Micky looked over at her and smiled. "Actually, I'm starved.

"That's a good sign." She laughed out right. "You're always hungry."


Micky and Madison walked back over to the pad and in the back door. "Oh, Micky, I've been so worried." Tina exclaimed running up to him and flinging her arms around his neck. "When you didn't call me, I knew something was wrong."

Madison's blood started to boil and Samantha walked over and stood next to her for moral support. "Tina, what are you doing here?"

She looked over Micky's shoulder at Madison. "I heard my Micky was hurt so I rushed right over."

"I don't understand, who are you?" Micky took her arms from around his neck and back away from her.

"I'm Tina Grove." She smiled up at him. "We were out together the night of the accident." Tina shot a smug look at Madison. "After you left my house you were attacked."

"What was I doing at your house?" Micky looked puzzled.

"I wish you could remember, we had such a wonderful time." She batted her eyelashes.

"I thought I was dating Maddie." He looked over at Madison and could see the pain in her eyes.

"Well, technically, you are. You didn't get a chance to tell her that it was over." Tina replied matter-of-factly.

Everyone except Micky knew she was lying but they also knew they had no way to prove it because Micky couldn't remember anything. "Tina, you know that's not true!" Madison stormed.

"Oh, Maddie, I'm so sorry, but it is." Tina smirked so only Madison, Samantha and the guys could see, not Micky.

"Micky loves me!" She bellowed. "Not you! All you ever did was hurt him."

"Your wrong, Madison! He loves me." Tina yelled back.

"Now, wait a minute." Micky stepped in between them. "I don't have any idea what is going on here."

"I've got an idea." Peter broke his silence and they all looked at him worriedly. "Why don't you date both of them for a while until you can decide."

"That's a wonderful idea, Peter!" Tina exclaimed grabbing Micky's arm. "I'll go first. Come on, let's get some dinner." She dragged him out the door giving him no time to object.

After they left, Madison slumped down on the couch. Samantha sat down next to her on one side and Mike on the other. "I can't believe this is happening."

Peter and Davy both sat in front of her on the coffee table. "Everything is going to be okay." Peter smiled, putting his hand on her knee.

"How do you know?" Madison asked, tears welling up in her eyes. "He has amnesia, he doesn't remember me, he doesn't remember you and worst of all, he doesn't remember Tina."

Peter took her chin firmly in his hand. "Because true love always wins out in the end."


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