~Forget That Girl - Part 5~

A lot happened over the next few weeks, although Micky's memory did not return. He did, however, remember how to play the drums but not any of The Monkees' songs. The guys, Mike especially, spent hours upon hours teaching them to him again, starting with the old favorites first, like 'Last Train' and he caught on fairly quickly. Mike called their new agent and explained to him what had happened to Micky and then he told the band about the agent. Needless to say they were absolutely ecstatic. Micky was excited and confident and Mike set up a recording session for the following week.

In the meantime, both Madison and Tina took turns spending time with Micky. Madison was trying anything she could think of to get his memory back; taking him to all his favorite places and telling him stories. Tina, on the other hand, spent most of her time trying to get Micky into bed, figuring that would be the one way she could keep him. Slowly, Micky was spending more time with Tina instead of Madison, although they weren't sleeping together as of yet. Tina was winning and Madison's heart was breaking.

Micky was still having that same nightmare almost nightly. He would wake up in a cold sweat and panic stricken. He told no one about the dreams but Mike knew something was wrong because the old Micky could sleep through an air strike but this Micky would wake up at the drop of a pin.


The day before the band was set to record 'Last Train', Madison was at the pad, alone and cleaning. It helped her think. Besides, her house was so clean by now open-heart surgery could be performed on her kitchen floor.

"What are you doing here?" Tina exploded through the front door.

"Don't you ever knock?" Madison said casually straightening up a stack of magazines on the table.

"I shouldn't have to knock. This is my boyfriend's house." Tina stated.

"That's strange, I thought we were both dating him." Madison rebutted.

"We are." Tina leaned her hip against the couch. "But after tonight, he won't even remember your name."

"You are such a bitch!" Madison stormed. "We wouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for you. All of this is your fault."

"My fault?" Tina exclaimed. "How do you figure that?"

"If you hadn't come back to Malibu in the first place, none of this would have happened. Micky wouldn't have amnesia and we would be happy without you!" Her voice cracked.

"It's not my fault he went out with me that night. It's yours, obviously you couldn't keep him satisfied." Tina replied coldly.

"He went with you that night to tell you that he loved me and that he never wanted to see you again."

Tina laughed, "Funny how destiny changes things. You're right, he did tell me that but now everything is different. After tonight, he'll be so in love with me that you'll never be able to get him back, even if his memory does return."

That was the absolute last straw! Madison lunged at Tina, fists flying. It turned into an all-out catfight. They rolled over and over on the floor hitting, scraping, biting, pulling, pushing and punching each other.

"Good God!" Mike exclaimed as he and Micky walked through the door. "What the hell is going on here?!"

They ran over to where Madison and Tina were fighting. Peter, Davy and Samantha walked in next and stopped abruptly in complete shock. The room was a shambles; tables and chairs were knocked over, magazines and sheet music everywhere. It looked like a tornado had taken the room out.

"Break it up!" Micky yelled trying to grab a hold of Tina.

Mike, in the meantime, had gotten a hold of Madison around the waist and pulled her off of Tina. "Knock it off!"

Micky grabbed Tina and pulled her to one side of the room while Mike took Madison to the other side. Tina put her arms around Micky and pointed at Madison. "She tried to kill me!"

"I couldn't get that lucky!" Madison shouted struggling to get out of Mike's arms and failing miserably. Stifled giggles came from Peter, Davy and Samantha.

Micky looked from Tina to Madison and then back. "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?"

"She just told me what really happened before you got amnesia." Madison started. "You told her you were in love with me." She was still struggling against Mike's arms.

"That's not true!" Tina replied innocently. "She's making that up to confuse you."

"You liar!" Madison broke free from Mike's grasp long enough for him to grab her around the waist again. "Micky, you were in love with me. All she ever did was hurt you. Please try to remember!" She pleaded trying to hold back the tears.

"Micky, I love you and I know you were in love with me." Tina looked up at him then reached up and kissing him deeply. "She's jealous."

Madison lunged out of Mike's arms again and this time it took both him and Peter to hold her back. "Damn it, Mick, take her home." Mike said angrily. "We can't hold her much longer."

Micky led Tina to the front door with his arm lovingly around her then he whirled around to look at Madison, fire shooting from his eyes. "We'll talk about this later, Madison!"

Madison pushed at Mike's arms after Micky slammed the door behind him. "Damn it, let me go!" He released her and she immediately started pacing like a caged animal.

Samantha came over and took her arm gently. "Tell us what really happened." She led her to the couch.

Madison spilled out the entire story, silent tears running down her cheeks through most of it.

"We believe you, luv." Davy said softly, squeezing her hand.

Peter bounded down the stairs with a first aide kit. "Come on, Maddie, let's get you put back together." He gently began cleaning the cuts on her face.

"I can't take this anymore." She pushed his hand away. "Its over. Tina won."

"Don't say that, darlin'." Mike sat down and put his arm around her. "He loves you, not her."

"Maybe the old Micky did, but not this one." She stood up.

"What are you going to do?" Samantha asked.

"I don't know. I need to be alone for a while." She walked out the back door.


Madison spent the rest of the day and into the late evening walking the beach. It was an absolutely beautiful night, the kind her and Micky used to enjoy together, but now it meant nothing. Her heart was shattered and all she had left were the memories. The ones Micky was fighting to remember; the ones she was fighting to forget.


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