~Forget That Girl - Part 6~

Madison had come to a decision but she waited until after the recording session to tell them. She was sitting on the couch when the guys and Samantha came back from the studio. She had wanted to be there with them at the session but couldn't bring herself to go, calling Samantha at the last minute and canceling.

"How did it go?" She asked happily.

"Maddie, it was great!" Samantha exclaimed. "They've never sounded better."

"I hope that doesn't mean we sounded like crap before this." Mike teased, putting his arms around her from behind.

"Of course not." Samantha leaned back and kissed his cheek.

They continued to talk about the session and give Madison all the details and although she looked interested, she really wasn't paying much attention. Micky finally stood up saying he was headed over to Tina's apartment for dinner.

"Wait, before you go, I need to tell you guys something." Madison decided it was time to tell them her decision.

"What's up, luv?" Davy looked concerned seeing the pain in her face.

She stood up and wrung her hands. "First, I want to apologize for yesterday." She looked over at Micky. "I'm sorry. I lost control and that fight never should have happened."

Micky managed a smile, "Its okay, Maddie."

"Second, I'm leaving." She let her words sink in for a minute. "I'm going back to Illinois."

They stood up and began protesting all at once. Peter was the first one to grab her by the shoulders. "Maddie, you can't leave! What about Jack?"

"Jack moved out of the state." She had already called an old friend back in Illinois to ask about him because there was no way she would move back there if he was still around.

"No, luv, you just can't leave!" Davy said strongly.

"I have to." She choked.

"You told me you'd always be here." Micky looked at her, remembering their conversation the first day he was home from the hospital.

"I can't be here anymore." She looked at him with tears filling her eyes. "I can't stay here and watch you be with Tina. It hurts too much."

"When are you leaving?" Mike asked softly. Both Peter and Davy looked at him as if he was insane, but he knew she had to go because she loved Micky that much.

"Tomorrow morning." She replied almost in a whisper.

Samantha walked over and said nothing; she only wrapped her arms around Madison. She also somehow understood why Madison had to leave.


Micky went over to Tina's as soon as Madison had left the pad. He was angry and hurt because she was leaving and yet somewhere deep inside he understood. Tina was waiting form him, dressed in a skimpy red baby doll nightgown. She had already been drinking the wine that was chilling for dinner before he arrived. They sat down on the couch and he told her about Madison leaving the next day. "Good." She laughed. "It serves her right."

"What do you mean?" Micky asked.

Tina yawned, the amount of wine she drank finally getting the best of her. "I knew you didn't mean those things you said to me that night." She started to drift off to sleep. "I knew you loved me, not her."

Micky picked her up and carried her to the bedroom covering her with a blanket before going into the other room. He picked up the dishes from the dinner that they hadn't eaten then sat back down on the couch. He kept thinking about what Tina said. Madison was telling the truth all along, but she was also leaving, so maybe he did belong with Tina.

He drifted off to sleep and the nightmare came again. Running…running down the dark hallway. Something was different this time, he could feel himself pulling away from the darkness and finally he saw it. A light! He ran harder and faster towards the light and when he entered it, it bathed him, warm light all around him. He looked around and saw her…she was beautiful, the light making her hair shimmer and her eyes sparkle. He approached her slowly, fearful she would disappear. She stood with her arms out to him, softly calling his name. "Micky, who am I?" She asked. "I don't know." He answered. "You must remember or the darkness will be forever. Who am I?"

Micky woke up with a sudden start and smiled. The sun was pouring through the windows bathing him in warm light. "Doll." He whispered jumping off the couch. "I hope I'm not too late."


The cab driver put Madison's last bag in the trunk. She stood on her driveway with Mike, Peter, Davy and Samantha. "I'll be back in a couple of weeks to get everything else." She explained to them. "Right now, I just need to get out of here and clear my head."

"I wish you wouldn't go, luv." Davy was the first to embrace her. "Who am I going to ask about girls?"

Madison laughed, "Just ask yourself what would Maddie do." She hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you."

He kissed her cheek. "Good bye luv." Then he stepped back.

Peter was next, his eyes filled with tears. "Take care of the garden." She smiled up at him.

"I will." He hugged her tightly. "I'm going to miss you."

"You are one of the sweetest people I know." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Good bye." She quickly pulled away.

Samantha was next; they hugged for a long time. "Take care of them. And keep an eye on that Texan."

Samantha laughed, "I will."

Madison pulled away and went and stood in front of Mike. "This is really hard." She laughed through her tears. "I feel like I'm leaving my brothers."

"You are." He smiled. "But you're going to be just fine." One lonely tear rolled down his face. "We love you."

"I love you too." She hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around her kissing the top of her head. She broke the embrace and walked towards the cab. She turned around once more and blew them all a kiss then stepped in the car.

"DOLL!" Micky's voice came bellowing from down the street. They all turned to see him running towards them. "DOLL!"

Madison stepped back out of the cab as Micky skidded to a halt in front of her. "Micky, what the…"

"I remember everything, doll!" He exclaimed breathless.

"That's wonderful, Mick." She smiled softly. "I'm very happy for you." She turned to get back in the cab.

"Wait a minute, where are you going?" He grabbed her arm.

"Micky, I'm still leaving." She looked away from him. "It doesn't change what has happened. You're with Tina now and that's where you belong."

He took her chin in his hand and forced her to look at him. "Doll, I belong with you, I always have. Please don't go."

She looked into his eyes. "Its better this way." She pulled away and got back into the cab shutting the door.

"Madison, I love you!" He shouted through the closed window.

"I love you too." Madison whispered through her tears as the cab pulled away.

Mike, Peter, Davy and Samantha walked up and stood next to him watching the cab go down the street. When it was out of sight, they slowly walked back into the pad.

"I was too late." Micky slumped down on the couch hanging his head down. Mike wanted to say something, they all did, but the words just weren't there.


The door flung open and Madison stood there, smiling, her face tear-streaked. "Hey, is anybody going to help me unpack?"

Micky looked up, "Doll?!"

"I couldn't go." She walked towards him. "I belong with you too. I love you, Micky."

"I love you." Micky stood and took her in his arms. Then he took her face in his hands and gently ran his fingers through her hair, drinking her in like it was the first time he ever saw her. He kissed her forehead, her eyelids and her cheeks. He pulled back and looked at her once again to satisfy himself that she wouldn't vanish out of his arms. She looked up at him love filling her eyes. They gazed at each other, the world non-existent around them and when they kissed, it was full of passion and never-ending love, making the last month of turmoil a distant memory.

"See, I told you true love always wins out in the end." Peter smiled proudly.

"Oh, shut up!" Davy laughed.

"Let's take Maddie's bags back home." Samantha suggested.

"Good idea." Mike agreed. "Besides, I think they want to be alone."

"I just love happy endings." Peter stayed put watching them.

"Oh, shut up." Mike laughed grabbing him by the shirt collar. "Come on."



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