~Changes - Part 2~

Micky more than kept his promise. He called Madison every Sunday without fail and they would sometimes talk for hours. He was miserable with out her but the tour was going better than anyone had expected. Mike also formed a habit of calling her once a week to find out how she and the baby were feeling. She was always happy to talk to him and share her latest doctor visit or how many times an hour she went to the bathroom. During all of this, Madison and baby were healthy and growing, but she missed her 'family' more than she ever thought possible. She was watching over the pad while they were gone and would spend hours just sitting in the living room trying to imagine them up on the makeshift stage rehearsing or in the kitchen fighting over who was going to do the dishes.

Christmas came and presents arrived from Europe. Madison put on one of the band's demo tapes and sat down on the floor to open them. Samantha sent a beautiful new dress. Madison looked down at her growing tummy and laughed. She would have to wait quite a while to wear it. Davy sent an expensive bottle of French perfume. Peter sent a leather-bound journal. Madison decided to start writing down everything that was happening with the baby and what she was feeling so Micky could read it when he came home. Mike sent expensive chocolates for those 'cravings' she was having.

She had saved Micky's present for last. She unwrapped it to find a small velvet box and inside was a gold necklace with a heart-shaped diamond pendant. There was also a note, which simply read, "To my doll, I love you, Micky." Tears filled her eyes as she fastened the necklace around her neck and, as if on cue, the phone rang.

She wiped her eyes and picked up the phone. "Hello."

She heard five people say "Merry Christmas!" and then the guys began singing "Riu Chiu". Madison sat there, tears streaming down her face and smiling, as she listened. Micky took the phone when they were done. "Merry Christmas, doll."

"Merry Christmas, Mick." She swallowed the lump in her throat. "How are you?"

"Missing you." He replied.

"I miss you more." She said. "Thank you for the beautiful necklace. I'm already wearing it."

"I wish I had been there to put it on you."

"I wish you were here too." She rubbed her hand over her tummy.

"Hang on, Mike is grabbing at the phone." He laughed.

"Merry Christmas, Maddie." Mike laughed into the phone. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Merry Christmas, Mike and yes, of course." She could hear Micky is the background giving him the riot act for being rude.

"Can you look under my bed for my other black shoe?" Mike asked.

"You're shoe?" She laughed.

"Yeah, I think I forgot it, either that or I lost it." He answered. "Here's Mick."

"Its Christmas Day and you're asking her about some dumb shoe." Micky said taking the phone back. "Doll, I think he's loosing it."

Madison got to talk to all of them and Micky in between. When it was over, they had spent two hours on the phone and she was feeling closer to them even if they were an ocean away.

After getting off the phone and cleaning up the Christmas wrappings, she walked over to the pad and upstairs to Mike and Micky's bedroom. She looked under Mike's bed and there was a black shoe with a note taped to the toe. "Maddie, there's a present on the top shelf of the closet for the baby."

Madison excitedly went to the closet and took a wrapped box off the top shelf. She sat down on Micky's bed and torn it open. Inside was a baby guitar and another note. "It only seems right for Uncle Mike to teach you the guitar. Daddy can teach you the drums and drive your mama up the wall." Madison fell over on the bed laughing.


The next couple months flew by. Madison worked hard to finish her latest book and get it to the publisher so when the baby arrived she could concentrate on him or her and not worry about a deadline hanging over her head. When she first found out she was pregnant, she was hoping for a boy. But, by the time April arrived, she wanted the baby to come already. Her back ached, her feet were swollen, and she was fat and tired. She didn't care what it was now, as long as it was healthy and had Micky's eyes and musical talent and her hair and writing abilities.

She spent many evenings and weekends turning the spare bedroom in a nursery. She painted it sea foam green to match the ocean that she took so much comfort in. She bought a crib and all the essentials, spending hours mulling over the instructions and putting them together. She also couldn't resist buying any cute toy she found. And, the baby already had a closet full of clothes.

Micky upped his calls to twice a week because he was worried about her. She always sounded so tired. He, of course, thought it was because she was working too hard on the new book. They counted down the days until they would be together again but secretly she was fearful of their reunion. She knew he was going to be angry that she didn't tell him about the baby in the first place. She only hoped he would understand the reasons why and be able to forgive her and love their son or daughter as much as she did.


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