~Changes - Part 3~

MARCH 7, 1969…

"Man, it feels good to be home!" Davy said flopping down on the couch at the pad. The European tour was over, and after six months of hotel rooms, mobs of people and strange food, they were glad it was.

"You said a mouthful." Peter flopped down next to him.

"I'm going to go surprise Maddie!" Micky slid down the banister having not lost his talent for a perfect landing at the bottom.

"Wait, Mick, don't you think you should call her first?" Mike asked hurriedly. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach that their reunion was not going to be a happy one. Micky was about to find out his was going to be a father and unlike other fathers, he hadn't been given the nine months preparation time.

"Now that wouldn't be much of a surprise, would it?" Micky laughed bounding for the door.

"I have to agree with Mick on this one, darlin'." Samantha grabbed Mike's hand. "Come on, let's go see her."

"It will be a surprise, that's for sure." Mike commented under his breath following them out the door.


Madison was pouring herself a glass of orange juice when she heard a knock at the door. She took a quick sip then walked over to answer it. Well, being nine months pregnant; waddled was a better word that walked. "Who is it?" She called before turning the knob.

"Someone who missed you very much!" Micky exclaimed from the other side.

Madison's stomach immediately hit the back of her throat. He was home and this was it. As soon as she opened that door, his life was going to change forever, the way hers had the day she found out. She looked down at her shaking hand holding the doorknob and slowly turned it.

"Doll!" Micky had been planning this reunion almost since the day he left on the tour. He was going to rush in and grab her, swing her around and then kiss her until his lips were ready to fall off. He stopped abruptly when he noticed that there was a lot more of her to grab.

"Hi." She said quietly. "Um, I have something to tell you."

A small gasp escaped Micky's lips; a huge gasp escaped from Samantha and Mike stood there nervously shifting from one foot to the other. Madison nervously fiddled with her necklace.

Micky walked in past her following by Samantha and Mike. Madison shut the door and leaned against it for a second then joined them in the living room.

"Is it mine?" Micky asked harshly.

"Of course!" Madison exclaimed. "Micky, we're going to have a baby."

"So I see." He sat down on the couch, the shocked expression still frozen on his face.

"Sorry, Maddie. He wanted to come over and surprise you. There was no stopping him." Mike apologized and Madison only nodded.

"Mike, you knew about this?" Samantha looked at him than at Madison. "I don't understand."

"He accidentally overheard a phone conversation with my doctor." Madison explained. "Afterwards, he figured it out and asked me so I told him."

"Wait a damn second here!" Micky stood up, his eyes growing dark and angry. "You knew you were pregnant before the tour and you didn't tell me?"

"Micky, I wanted to tell you. But so much was happening with the tour and the record." Madison's eyes were pleading with him to understand. "I didn't want any kind of scandal to ruin your chances or to hurt the band."

"But it was okay for you to tell Mike!" He yelled then whirled around to face Mike. "And you, man, you're my best friend and you didn't tell me either!"

"Don't blame him, it's not his fault!" Madison explained. "I made him promise not to tell you." She felt a pain in her stomach but ignored it.

"And just when were you going to tell me?" Micky's voice was growing louder. "When he was in college? Or maybe you never intended to tell me at all."

"Now!" Madison yelled back. "When you got home from the tour. I was protecting you and the band. You know what the press would do if they found out your girlfriend was pregnant, it would ruin you before you even had a chance to get started." Madison's voice was now matching his. "I didn't want to be the cause of that. Besides, what if I had told you. What would you have done?"

"I would have cancelled the tour and married you!" Micky stated firmly without even thinking about it.

"Exactly!" Madison exploded. "I wasn't about to have you throw away this chance and I didn't want you to marry me out of obligation." There was another sharp pain and this time, Madison doubled-over.

Samantha and Mike, who until now had been silent, rushed over to her. "Maddie, what is it?" Mike asked putting an arm around her.

"I think I'm in labor." Madison struggled until the pain subsided and she was able to stand up again. She looked up at Micky, who was standing there, with a pained look on his face.

"Hospital! I think we should get her to the hospital." Samantha panicked.

"Don't panic! Go back to the pad and get the car keys." Mike's voice cracked. "Maddie, where's your suitcase?"

Madison pointed to the bedroom, her eyes never leaving Micky's. "Say something!" She yelled in desperation, his silence cutting deep into her heart.

"If you think the only reason I would marry you would be out of obligation, then you don't know me at all." Micky's voice was calm. He turned on his heel and left through the door, never giving even a backward glance.


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