~Changes - Part 4~

Mike, Samantha, Davy and Peter rushed Madison to the maternity ward at Malibu Community Hospital. Samantha had run into the pad to grab the car keys and announced that Madison was about to have a baby. "That's nice." Davy commented. "Hey, Pete, did ya hear, Maddie is going to have a baby?"

Peter smiled coming out of the kitchen with a cup of tea. He stopped suddenly and dropped the cup on the floor and looked at Davy. "A baby?!" They both exclaimed in unison. "Sammy, wait!" They ran out after her.

Madison cried all the way to the hospital holding on to Mike's hand. She wasn't crying because of the pain, in fact the pain in her heart was 100 times worse than any contraction could ever be. She couldn't get the look on Micky's face out of her mind. He was hurt and angry and it was her fault. She should have told him about their child and now she was deeply regretting her decision not to. She also should have known better. He never would have married her out of obligation, that just wasn't his style. He loved her and he would have married her for no other reason. And now she feared that in trying to protect his career she had lost him forever.


"I can't believe he's not here." Mike stormed in a low whisper. They were sitting in the waiting room of the maternity ward.

"He's hurt and probably madder than hell." Samantha answered. "What did you expect him to do?"

"I don't know, but I never expected this." He stood up. "I'm going to go talk to him." He quickly kissed her forehead and left.

"Micky!" Mike called walking into the pad. He walked through the downstairs and then went upstairs. "Micky!" No answer. Mike left through the back door and scanned up and down the beach. He wasn't there either. Mike snapped his fingers and headed to Madison's house. He walked in and found Micky sitting on the couch holding a small teddy bear. "Hey." Mike said quietly.

Micky looked up. "Mike, I'm in no mood to talk, especially to you."

"You don't have to talk." Mike replied. "But you're sure gonna listen cause I ain't leaving until I've had my say."

"Fine, talk." Micky said coldly.

"First, I'm sorry." Mike sighed. "Maybe I should have told you."

"You're damn right you should have told me." Micky stormed.

"Mick, it wasn't my place and you know it." Mike stormed back. "Maddie wanted to tell you, she really did. But she didn't want the band to get hurt. She didn't tell you because of us." He was quiet for a second. "Her heart was in the right place. She was trying to protect you."

"Somehow that doesn't make it any better." Micky said softly.

"No, it probably doesn't." Mike sat down next to him. "What does matter is she is in the hospital having your child right now. A child created with the love you two share."

"Shared." Micky looked over at him. "Past tense."

"What are you saying?" Mike was horrified.

"I'm saying its over." He stated. "I'll take responsibility for my kid, but that's it. Whatever Maddie and I had was over the minute she decided not to tell me." He took her house key out of his pocket and placed it on the coffee table.


George Michael Sage was born at 2:48 a.m., March 8, 1969.



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