~Me Without You - Part 2~

Micky sat in the nursery with Mac squirming on his lap. He rocked the rocking chair back and forth gently. "Come on, Mac. Its way past your bedtime." The baby only giggled at his worn out father. It had been a long day dealing with Danielle and then Madison after she left. She had called later at her wit's end because Mac wouldn't sleep and she needed some air. He readily came over to give her a break knowing she was worried about Danielle. Besides, this was one of his favorite times of day to spend with Mac. Micky began to hum softly and noticed he was getting Mac's attention. "So that's what its going to take, huh?" He teased then broke into the song softly.

There's a wonderland for Alice
There's a tall beanstalk for Jack
The sleepy train will take you there
So safely down the track
With the sandman at the throttle
You'll be off to dreams and back
It's pillow time again
You will meet all your storybook friends
As you go down Mother Goose's Lane
Romp with Jack and Jill
Up and down the hill
And try to put Humpty back together again

Mac's eyes began to get heavy as Micky kept singing.

Close your sleepy eyes and listen
While we take a little hop
The candy whistle's blowin'
Don't you miss your station stop
So good night my wee way fairer
Pleasant dreams to you, oh tot
It's pillow time again
You will meet all your storybook friends
As you go down Mother Goose's Lane
Romp with Jack and Jill
Up and down the hill
And try to put Humpty back together again
Close your sleepy eyes and listen
While we take a little hop
The candy whistle's blowin'
Don't you miss your station stop
So good night my wee way fairer
Pleasant dreams to you, oh tot
It's pillow time again

He didn't know Madison was standing in the doorway watching, a smile playing on her lips. He looked down at his son and sighed that he was finally asleep. Gingerly he stood up and placed Mac in his crib and tiptoed towards the door bumping into Madison. "You scared me half to death!" He whispered loudly, his hand going over his heart.

"Sorry." She giggled softly.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough." She smiled. "Mick, that was a beautiful song." She walked over to look at their son and he followed. "I hope he gets your voice."

"He already has your beauty." Micky wasn't looking at the baby; he was looking at her. He reached out and moved a wisp of her hair behind her ear.

She looked over at him and blushed; their eyes locking. She didn't know what to say so decided it was better to say nothing.

"I'm sorry about that comment this afternoon." He whispered.

"Don’t' be." She waved her hand. "I deserved it anyway." She sighed. "It was never my intention to hurt you."

"I know." He took her hand. "Do you want to talk for a while?"

Her heart stopped beating but she kept her hopes in check. "Yes."

They walked into the living room and he pulled her to sit down on the pillows. She never could bring herself to get rid of them even though she never sat on them anymore. There was an awkward silence until finally Madison's spoke. "Thanks for taking care of him tonight."

"I love taking care of him." Micky smiled. "What are you going to do about Danielle?"

"I don't think there's much I can do." She curled her feet underneath her. "I can only pray she comes to her senses before he does something awful."

"She's hardheaded, just like her sister." He chuckled. "I just hope she's as brave and smart as her sister."

"I'm not brave and I'm sure not very smart." Madison half-laughed. "If I was I never would have hurt you."

"Stop that." Micky ordered. "I hurt you too." He admitted. "I never should have walked out on you. These last six months have been absolute hell."

"I've missed you, but I don't blame you for walking out." She reached up and gently touched his cheek with her fingers. "I never did. You had to do what you thought was right, just like I had to when I decided not to tell you about Mac."

"You did what you did out of love. It's taken me a long time to accept that." He caught her hand and laced their fingers together.

"What happens now?" Her voice cracked in a whisper.

"I don't know, but this is a good start at something." He leaned over and kissed her lips softly. It felt so right to be touching her again. "I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed the palm of her hand then left.


Sleep didn't come for Madison that night. She had too many emotions running through her. There was fear for Danielle and she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. There was relief because Micky had finally forgiven her and the guilt was lifted off her shoulders. There was also love and it was burning as brightly as it had before they had broken up. She wanted him back in her life as her best friend, her lover and the father of her child.

Micky didn't get much sleep either. He could still feel her lips and smell the lingering of her perfume. He had never stopped loving her but until now, he had doubted that they would ever be together again. Yes, she had hurt him but that was in the past now. He wanted to go slow and give their love time to grow again.


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