~Me Without You - Part 3~

Micky woke up the next morning with a new lease on life even if he hadn't had more than three hours sleep. He showered and dressed then slid down the banister to join Mike and Peter in the kitchen. "Mornin'!" He was practically giddy.

"You're in a good mood." Mike commented. "In fact, I haven't seen you smile that much for months."

Micky poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat down. "What's not to smile about, it’s a beautiful day outside."

"Mick, it's raining." Peter shook his head in confusion.

"Rain is groovy." Micky laughed. "Hey, can one of you watch Mac today?"

"Sure." They both answered in unison then gave each other the 'oh brother' look.

"We can both do it." Mike answered. "Where are you going to be?" He had a feeling Micky was up to something, as usual.

"Out with Maddie." Micky said carefully and slowly.

"Oh really?" Mike raised his eyebrows. "Something happen we should know about?" Both he and Peter stared at Micky with their chins resting on their hands.

"Um…we talked last night." Micky looked like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"And what did we talk about?" Peter giggled.

"The past and what happened between us." Micky answered. "Today I want to talk about our future."

"Is there one?" Mike's face broke out into a wide grin.

"I hope so." Micky smiled.


Micky ran over to Madison's in the rain and knocked. She answered the door holding a half-dressed Mac in her arms. "Hi doll." This time he didn't regret calling her that.

"Hi!" She was surprised that not only was he standing there but that he had called her 'doll', something he never did anymore unless it slipped. "What are you doing here?"

He walked in and took Mac from her arms, giving the baby a loving kiss. "I can leave." He teased.

"I didn't mean it like that." She laughed nervously.

"Peter and Mike are going to watch him today." Micky stated walking to Mac's nursery to finish dressing him.

"That's nice." Madison followed him. "Where am I going to be?"

"With me." He wasn't going to give her anymore information that absolutely necessary.

"Okay, where are you going to be?" She was starting to get annoyed

"With you." He pulled a red shirt over Mac's head.

"You're not going to tell me, are you?" She laughed.

"Nope." He smiled slyly over his shoulder at her then turned his attention back to Mac.


"Okay, there are plenty of diapers in here." Madison explained to Mike and Peter.

"Got it." Mike replied.

"And he didn't eat much breakfast this morning, so he may be hungry in a little while."

"Got it." Peter replied.

"And there's fresh bottles in your fridge and plenty of baby food in the bag." She opened the diaper bag so they could see inside. "I wouldn't feed him the carrots, he has a tendency to let you know exactly how much he doesn't like them." She laughed.

"Got it." Mike replied.

"Maddie, they know how to take care of him." Micky laughed grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the door. "He'll be just fine."

"Oh!" She broke free of his grasp. "He's getting a new tooth, so if he gets really cranky or runs a fever, you can give him some Baby Tylenol."

"We're gonna be just fine, aren't we Mac?" Peter bounced Mac on his knee making him giggle. "Mama is being a little over-protective."

"Alright, alright, I can take a hint." Madison laughed. She kissed Mac on the top of the head. "I love you, sweetie."

Micky came over and also kissed him. "I'm taking mama now, say bye-bye." He picked Madison up in his arms and carried her out the door.


They drove up the coast and away from the rain. "So, where are we going?" Madison asked impatiently.

"Relax, doll." Micky laughed. "Are you hungry?"

"A little." She rested her head against the back of the seat. The nervousness she felt when they first got in the car was gone now and it was almost like it used to be; the two of them driving with no particular destination in mind, talking about every day things. "What's it like now that Davy moved out?"

"Well, the phone rings less, that's for sure." Micky chuckled. A few months after they returned from the European tour, Davy had decided he needed his own place. He only moved a few blocks away and was over at the pad practically every day, but it was still different. "It took some getting used to and I don't think Peter is completely used to it yet. They shared that bedroom for a long time." He reached over and linked his fingers with hers.

"What about you? Have you thought about leaving the pad?" She felt her entire body tingle at his touch.

He pulled the car into a roadside restaurant and parked. "That depends." He got out and came around to open her door.

"On what?" She took his hand and got out of the car.

"On what happens with us." He bent his head and gave her a short but tender kiss.


After a long lunch, in which they spent more time talking than eating, they continued to drive aimlessly and finally ended up back at the pad in the early evening.

They stood outside the car gazing at one another, neither of them wanting the day to end. "I want us to take things slow." Micky said, holding both her hands in his.

"I'm not going anywhere." Madison smiled up at him. She reached up and kissed his cheek.

"Good." He smiled then wrapped his arm around her. "Let's go see what kind of damage our son did to his uncles."


Madison and Micky walked into the pad. Both Peter and Mike jumped to their feet, nervous looks on both of their faces. "What is it?" Madison exclaimed. "Is it Mac?"

"No, darlin'." Mike reassured. "He's upstairs sleeping."

"Then what is it?" Micky asked.

"This." Peter handed Madison a piece of paper. "We took Mac to the park and it was taped to the door when we got home."

Micky stood next to her, his hand on her arm as she slowly unfolded the piece of paper and instantly recognized Jack's handwriting. "Come to the Malibu Hotel at 9:00 tonight, room 912, if you ever want to see Dani again."


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