~Me Without You - Part 4~

"There's no way to talk you out of this, is there?" Micky snorted. They had been going around in circles for over an hour now and it was nearly 8:30.

"No!" Madison replied firmly. "She's my sister. I have to go." She looked up at him lovingly. "You would do the same thing if it was me or Mike or Peter or Davy."

He regarded this for a moment. "Yeah, I would." He sighed. "Okay, if I can't talk you out of it, then I'm going with you."

"Oh, no you are not!" She said strongly.

"I'm not about to let you go face that maniac alone." Micky threw up his arms.

"You have too." She returned. "If something should happen…"

"Don't even say that." He put his fingers to her lips.

"Listen to me." She took his hand in hers. "If something should happen to me, you have to take care of Mac." She kissed him quickly and pulled away so he wouldn't see the tears building in her eyes.

"Be careful, Maddie." Peter was standing close by and pulled her into a strong embrace.

Mike was standing at the bottom of the staircase holding Mac in his arms. Madison walked over and placed a long kiss on the baby's forehead. "I love you, my sweet boy." She walked to the door and turned around once more to look at them. "I'll be back soon." She tried to sound confident. She touched her fingers to her lips blowing a kiss to Micky then left.


"I'm going to follow her." Micky jumped the minute the door closed.

"I'm surprised it took you that long." Peter commented. "Be careful. Good drummers are hard to find."

"I will." He smiled. "There's a key to a safety deposit box in my sock drawer." He looked at Mike. "Madison and I made up a custody agreement in case something should happen to us. You take good care of him."

Mike's eyes grew wide and then softened. "I will."

With that, Micky was out the door and on his way.


Madison pulled into the parking lot for the Malibu Hotel. She parked outside of Room 912 and shut off the engine. She took a deep breath, got out of the car and walked the short distance to the door and knocked.

"Right on time." Jack opened the door with a gun in his hand. "Come on in and join the party."

Madison walked into the small room. It smelled like stale beer. Danielle was tied up and gagged in a chair on the other side of the room. Her face was badly cut and bruised and both her eyes were almost swollen shut. "Dani!" Madison rushed to her but Jack caught her around the arm, stopping her. "Are you okay?"

Danielle nodded somewhat. "See, she's just fine." Jack laughed.

Madison yanked her arm free of him. "Jack, what are you doing?"

He waved the gun around. "I still love you, Madison."

"I don't love you!" Madison screamed. "You used me and hurt me and now you're doing the same thing to my sister. I hate you!"

"Be careful what you say, little girl." He stormed. "You wouldn't want that cute little boy of yours to grow up without a mama, now who you?"

"That's a stupid question. Of course not!" She laughed outright.

Jack didn't take well to being called stupid or being laughed at and retaliated by cracking her hard across the face with the handle of the gun.

"I'm not afraid of you." Madison said softly but strongly rubbing her cheek. She could already feel it starting to swell. "I used to be, but not anymore. So, either kill me and get it over with or let us both go."


Meanwhile, Micky slammed the car into park and darted towards the door. He stopped short to listen and all he could hear was muffled voices.

Then a gun shot!


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