~Me Without You - Part 5~

Micky kicked in the door fearful he would find Madison dead. Instead, it was Jack, slumped against the wall, his brains covering it and the gun still in his hand. Madison quickly finished untying the ropes around Danielle and rushed into Micky's arms. "I told you not to come."

He laughed; holding her tightly then pushed her back at arms length. "Are you hurt?"

She shook her head vehemently; tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. "It's really over this time."

Micky took her in his arms again letting her collapse against his chest. "Yes, doll, it is."


Madison saw Micky sitting out on the beach and went to him. She had just gotten back from visiting Danielle in the hospital. "Hey." She sat down next to him. "The doc says Dani can check out tomorrow."

Micky sniffled and quickly wiped his eyes. "That's great, doll." His voice cracked.

Her eyes grew wide. "Mick, what's wrong?"

"I guess its finally sinking in." He turned to her, his face tear stained. "When I heard that gun go off, I thought it was you." He took a deep breath. "I thought I had lost you forever."

She ran her fingers through his hair and then down his face. "You'll never lose me. I told you that day that I wasn't going anywhere."

"And I told you I wanted to go slow." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her on his lap. "I don't want that anymore."

"What do you want?" She asked carefully, feeling the tears building up in her eyes.

"You…forever." He smiled. "I love you. I always have and I always will."

She kissed him then, passionately and heart-stopping and didn't pull away until they were both breathless. "I love you too and I'll be yours…forever."


"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Madison asked Danielle. They were waiting at the bus stop. Danielle had been given a clean bill of health and had made the decision to go back home.

Danielle nodded and hugged her sister. "Thank you." She whispered.

She hugged Micky next and kissed Mac, then Mike and then stood in front of Peter. "I hope you'll come back and see us again." Peter grinned pulling her into a vigorous hug.

She could hardly resist those dimples. "I just may do that, Peter Tork."

Danielle got on the bus and waved from her seat as it pulled away. The four of them stood there with their arms around each other watching it leave until it was out of sight.

"So, what's our next adventure?" Mike joked and received three glares and one giggle…from Mac.



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