10-0-caution 10-1-unable to copy 10-2-signal good 10-3-stop transmitting 10-4-ok 10-5-relay 10-6-busy unless urgent 10-7-out of service 10-8-in service 10-9-repeat 10-10-fight in progress 10-11-dog case 10-12-stand by 10-13-road & weather report 10-14-prowler report 10-15-civil disturbance 10-16-domestic 10-17-meet with compaintant 10-18-quickly 10-19-return to headquarters 10-20-location 10-21-call by telephone 10-22-disregard 10-23-arrived at scene 10-24-assignment completed 10-25-meet in person 10-26-detaing subject expedite 10-27-drivers license info 10-28-vehicle registration info 10-29-check for warrants 10-30-unnecessary use of radio 10-31-crime in progress 10-32-man with gun 10-33-emergency 10-34-riot 10-35-major crime alert 10-36-correct time 10-37-suspicious vehicle 10-38-stopping vehicle 10-39-urgent, use lights siren 10-40-silent run 10-41-beginning duty 10-42-ending duty 10-43-information 10-44-permission to leave for... 10-45-dead animal carcas at... 10-46-assist motorist 10-47-road repair at... 10-48-traffic standard repair 10-49-traffic light out at... 10-50-accident 10-51-wrecker needed 10-52-ambulance needed 10-53-road blocked at... 10-54-livestock on highway 10-55-intoxicated driver 10-56-intoxocated person 56 and a half= illegal substance (drugs) 10-57-hit and run 10-58-direct traffic 10-59-convoy or escort 10-60-squad car in vicinity 10-61-criminal history 10-62-reply to message 10-63-make written copy 10-64-message for local 10-65-net message assignment 10-66-cancel message 10-67-clear for net message 10-68-dispatch information 10-69-message received 10-70-fire alarm 10-71-advise nature of fire 10-72-report progress on fire 10-73-smoke report 10-74-negative 10-75-in contact with 10-76-enroute 10-77-e.t.a. 10-78-need assistance 10-79-notify coroner 10-80-chase in progress 10-81-brethalyzer report 10-82-reserve lodging 10-83-work school crossing at... 10-84-if meeting...advise e.t.a. 10-85-delayed do to... 10-86-officer on duty 10-87-pick up checks 10-88-present phone number of... 10-89-bomb threat 10-90-bank alarm at 10-91-pickup prisoner-subject 10-92-improperly parked vehicle 10-93-blockade 10-94-drag racing 10-95-prisoner subject in custody 10-96-mental subject 10-97-test signal 10-98-prison jailbreak 10-99-wanted/stolen indicate, also subject with warrant 10-100-subject under arrest also code 30 10-codes for Quincy&Adams co. il. With thanks to and in remembrance of Edward Doellman a Quincy Policeman. Who gave these to my Pop in 1969.