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Throughout our nation’s young history, there has been much disagreement over the role of religion in our country, primarily in the government and in our public school system. This debate is fueled by our nation’s own heritage, "One nation, under God," and what many citizens believe that our forefathers had in mind for the young nation. In recent years, the controversy over the role of religion in our public schools has been refreshed by various Supreme Court Cases such as Lemon v. Kurtzman, Engle v. Vitale, Abingdon Township v. Schempp, and McCollum v. Champaign Board of Education. After examining the rulings of these cases, it remains evident that a School Prayer Amendment is absolutely unnecessary and repetitive, would only conflict with the long-established constitutional policy to separate church and state, and would interfere with student’s rights to have no religious pressure.

Introduction Separation of Church and State Supreme Court Cases Impact on Students Conclusion Bibliography Other Links