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Blue Medieval Style Gown

Here is a darling gown of satin taffeta and chiffon for the bodice and skirt, and cotton for the sleeves. Originally I purchases the dress from Ebay, and the sleeves were of chiffon, but the fabric was tearing away from the sleeves. I took the sleeves off, and made new long bell sleeves. The sleeves almost reach the floor if they aren't tied in a knot as shown. I also made the simple bodice to wear over the dress and to give it more of a medieval look. This is a great example of how a dress can be remodeled to suit your needs. Not only is it cost effective, but if you have clothes you never wear, it is a great way to put them to use again.

This is a close up view of the vest and the laces on the front of the vest.

Fabric used for the sleeves.

This is a close up view of the decorative trim and bow which runs down the front of the gown. The ribbon used for the bow is a velvety texture, and this ribbon was also used to trim the bodice.

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