Why try to learn all this stuff?????
Kids all over the city of Chicago are
having problems. Kids have gangs in their hood. You have to make a choice,
do you join a gang or not? Drugs are often just a door away, should you
use drugs or not? Shootings at night and day, is there a better way? People
try to talk kids into having sex or tv tries to talk you out of your
money. Its all so scary. What you learn in this class will help you
deal with those problems and understand them better. You will learn how
to make better choices rather than have to fight every time or run.
By reading you will see how people
today and a long time ago felt about these problems and learn new
ways to help yourself and how you can make things better for you, your
family and all of us too. There is no magic in this, if you try to learn
we will help. Education is a way out!!!!!!!
Can't get it yet,Help is on the way
Any time your stuck on an idea, word or in general let someone know, talk to a friend in class, ask your teacher, mom or dad, anybody, but ask, don't stay stuck. Buddy up with kids in your pod, sometimes you will know the answer and sometimes they will. Together we can get the answers, just don't go it alone.
Talking is your best friend in this class, do a lot of it. Talk about what you think, feel, what's right or wrong about the world. Use email, make a new pen pal, email any of the experts on your topic.
Listening, if you listen to other kids and they listen to you we can learn a lot from each other.
Write down what you think, feel or want to say you will get better at it, its like throwing a basketball, more practice and you do it better. Besides people who can write make a whole lot more than basketball players. Don't believe me, look up salaries on the net.
Homework, yeah there is some, but its what your going to do anywise, watch tv, look at cartoons, take a walk in the hood and see what's happening. I just want you to write down what you saw, think, and felt at the time.
Activities: Pick any two of each activity as part of your projects.
Ask Dr. Math, questions of math dr.math@forum.swarthmore.edu
Ask an ehtics Education Expert, stereotypes and bias questions email: ethicsusa@earthlink.net
Ask a Gang Specialist for questions regarding history and identification of gangs: email gangwar@webtv.net
Ask a Marriage and Relationship expert: email at GuyRaymond@aol.com
Ask a parenting expert email: sunny1@citcom.net
Ask a teacher for questions about concepts behind a homework assignment, study skills, strategies for finding information
Ask the Word Wizard questions about language email: info@wordwizard.com
Ask a US Military Affairs expert for question on military policy, programs, weapons, spending email: Info@cdi.org
Be Aware e-mail is not often returned on the same day sent, plan ahead
if you intend to use it.
Take a walk with the cop: they are on the beat in your neighborhood. See how he/she talks to people. Ask how he/she deals with anger, fights and problems. Ask what stereotypes are.
Courthouse: If anyone you know goes to court ask to go along, see what its like, tell us what went on there. Was it fair? What kind of problems did you see go to court? Ask what biased means.
Interview a gang member: ask how he/she handles conflict?, anger? Ask if the gang thinks it is okay to hurt people when your mad at them.
Interview a politician: Tell he/she that you wish to interview them. Ask what propaganda means. Ask how other politicians use propaganda in speeches or during elections.
Interview a preacher, rabbi, priest, reverend: ask questions about violence, or bias, or stereotypes.
You can do these interviews with a classmate or someone on your project.
Additional web sites you can cruise:
Race and Race Relations-collection of links, texts on
many aspects of this topic.
Urban/Minority Families
Websters dictionary- I know I did it once but here it
is again.
Yahoo's Directory of Web Serch Engines-if you came this
far you should find something for your effort
Internet Discussion Groups for Teachers and Students
Publish what your finished product on the internet
at inkspot.
In order to help you in your study of conflict, violence, bias, propaganda and oppression you will find all the following to be of great help. All are also available online. Let your fingers do the walking or have electrons do it for you.
Websters Dictionary: You can look up the words here or strange words you run across during your class or while doing any project can be brought to class and discussed.
Encyclopedias at the library, these can tell you more about how these problems have occurred in the past.
Computers at your local library and school: start by looking up comic strips on the internet.
Newspapers: free to read
at the library.