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Facts On Ethan

"He's kinda tall,...has hair,...and wears t-shirts...sometimes"

Born: June 13th, 1978 in Huntington Beach, CA

Sign: Gemini

Parents: Chuck and Karen

Siblings: Aaron (older brother), Kessia (younger sister)

Height: 5'10"

Eyes: Green

Hair: Light brown


*He is married (GASP! BOO HOO!) to an actress named Amelinda*

*Amelinda auditioned to act opposite Ethan in the now defunct Work With Me*

*He is rumoured to be in a new band called Mexican Pinata*

*He supposedly has 5 dogs and 8 cats*

*He's in a speed metal band Southern Comfort Colonic, with his brother*

*He plays bass and guitar*

*He is a leftie, but plays his guitar and bass right-handed*

*He is into photography, and collects antique cameras*

*He speaks Italian*

*He shops at the Salvation Army*

*His favourite movies are Dazed and Confused, Rebel Without a Cause, Scream, Star Wars and True Romance*

*He had to eat Spam for Dancer, Texas. They did 10 takes and he threw up 4 times*

*You know the girl from Empire Records who gets her mom's record signed by Rex Manning? You know, "Thanks, but it's not my, it's for my mom, she loves you, I've never even heard of you". Well, that's Kessia*

If you have any other facts to donate, please send them to us!!!
