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Links to other Ethan Sites

Obviously, we need more links...if you've got a good site, send it to us, will ya?

Ethan Embry On the Web

Ethan Embry: Amazing Actor

All About Ethan!

The Beauty of Ethan

Marlene's Ethan Embry Page

Ethan Is My Sunshine!

Ethan Embry Database

TWiLiGhT's Ethan Embry page

A Tribute To Ethan Embry

That Thing Ethan Does

*the wonders of ethan*

..i think i'm in love..~With Ethan, of course!

The Unofficial Ethan Embery Page

Pretty Hate Machine~look under "Hot Guys" to find the boy in question=)

A Tribute to Ethan Embry
