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Ethan Eye Candy!!!

A goofy one!

A cute one of the man himself

A good close-up~Tee-hee! This is my favourite one!

From "That Thing You Do" era

From "Empire Records"

Guess who?

"Empire Records" movie poster

a picture from JUMP! magazine

"...not on REx Manning Day!"

"Well, my name is spelt...with a K!!!"

"...I once had a crush on Scott Baio"~Ethan with Angel in CHW

From E! Online

A black and white one

I think this is from "All About You" magazine

At the "Disturbing Behviour" premiere~Scanned by Erin

New one from CHW

kudos go out to Mandy at Ethan's Empire for many of the pictures here and a few that appear on this page!!! :)

Please send us any pictures we don't have up here!
