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NEW!!! We have set up a News Archive to our page. You can check it for the latest news on the boys, or past reports, as well as updates to this page.


Our beloved Ethan will be starring in a new television program on Global this fall. Called "Freaky Links", it's created by the same people who gave us the Blair Witch Project. For more info, go to the freaky linkswebsite.


Needless to say, we were shocked and delighted when Seth Green made an appearance at the Toronto stop of the Blink 182/silverchair tour! He came out on stage, and introduced Blink 182 by saying "I swear to God: these next guys have the biggest wieners I've ever seen", thanks, I think we'll have to take his word for it!


The latest news with Seth is that...he has LEFT Buffy! He reportedly has filmed six new epidosdes with the show, but has left to film the movie The Runaround Boys with John Malkovich, Denis Hopper, and Barry Pepper. Whether ornot he will rejoin the cast of Buffy afterward is still unsure.

We (Erin and Sarah) have a favour to ask of's become quite difficult to keep up with this site, so we are asking you to write reviews for ANY Ethan or Seth movie, no matter how old, and we will post them on our site, so please, get writing! As well, keep sending suggestions/info/pictures of guys you would like featured in our Obscure Actor's Corner, so we can post up some new guys that deserve some attention =)

If you are interested in joining an Ethan Embry fan club, please send your e-mails to

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Ethan Webrings Seth Webrings Ethan's Filmography Seth's Filmography

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