silverchair's Big Day Out!

silverchair's Big Day Out!

K, I find this particular article sorta funny. I don't know why...

What were they wearing?
[note from me: See what I mean?]
Grey t-shirts and long, long shorts. Daniel's were a pair of cut-off army pants, style-watchers! They didn't take their shirts off though, pervs! And, of course, there was plenty of long 'n; sweaty hair swishing around while they 'thrashed' away.

Did they perform Tomorrow just like on the record?
Yep, and it sounded virtually identical! The crowd loved it and roared it's approval. As you would.

Were there any surprises?
Well, one audience member climed a light pole at one stage during the 'chair's performance and began swinging on it. Security people eventually got him down. The 'chair kept playing. Coincidentally, the song they were playing at the time was "Pure Massacre."

What did they say to the audience?
Daniel whispered "Thank you" a few times and comicially introduced "Tomorrow" by saying, 'This one is called Cat's Scrotum!' Ben and Chris didn't say a word. [note from sArAh: They should really give Ben and Chris mics. Imagine the shows then! ;)]

What song got the best reaction?
Not surprisingly- "Tomorrow". It got the crowd a-moshing like never before.

How many songs did they play?
They only played about five songs during their short set- even though they were just about the most popular band on the day. In fact, the area they were set up to play in was only supposed to house 5,000 people. By the time the 'chair came on in the early afternoon, some 15,000 people were trying to squeeze into the area.

What was the general reaction after the gig?
Huge thunderous applause- Australia's hottest new band proved that they were just as good off-the-record (so to speak) as on.

What did Courtney Love say about Daniel later on?
Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain's widow, took to the stage with her band Hole and said to the crowd, 'So this young guy from silverchair looks like my dead husband and sings like Eddie Vedder- how lame!' Er, ouch!
RATING- ****

from Smash Hits magazine

Author Unknown

Wow, that was fun.
No it wasn't! No more news!
