TD: Teen Dream
DJ: hmmm...who could this be?? Daniel perhaps? Nah... ;)
TD: How does the music on Freak Show differ from Frogstomp??
[well, first off, we must consider the fact that the teenies may not have heard the CD's..luv me]
DJ: The music on this album is good. [as opposed to Frogstomp being what.... geez, what a dork.] We like it very much. With Freak Show, we were able to spend a lot more time writing and recording the songs. So we felt better about these songs. Last time it took us about three weeks to do an album, this time it was about nine weeks and that makes all the difference. I don't know if taking more time makes the music sound bettre, but I think it turned out better this time.
TD: You bought a new car. Tell us about it.
DJ: *his eyes light up* I love my car. It's great. I picked it up when we got back from touring last year. It's a really fast car. I really don't want anyone to know how fast I go. I am very careful with my driving. [hey, Johnsy...your 2 sentences contradict each other....=) luv me]
TD: Do you take your dog for a drive too?
DJ: Yes. One of my favorite things to do is get my dog and drive down to the beach. After spending so much time on the road and being surrounded by so many people [yeah, i forget that daniel's like afraid of people or something...*s*], it's good to get away with your dog for just a few hours. This way I get time to think about things and try to get a hold on everything that is happening. It's great to have yoru dog along when you are doing some serious thinking.
TD: It's an easy thing to trust your dog, isn't it?
DJ:Yes. You can always trust your dog. It's the best. You know why they love you and why they respond to you [i'm starting to get this feeling that daniel's a that kind affectionate way..*me*]. Maybe it's because you feed them or something. But either way, they are always there for you.
TD: Now that you and the other guys [hey, they do have names ya' know!] in silverchair are older, how does it feel to be on tour minus your parents and other "handlers"? ['s like their being let out of a cage or something!]
DJ: It is a big difference that we are not 15 anymore. We have learned so much and grown up so much over the last two years. We don't go crazy every night or anything like that. We're responsible. [sure you are....]. This time we don't feel like our moms have to watch over everything we do.
TD :You've expressed these concerns to your family? [k, am i the only onee that missed the concerns??? or am i just slow...]
DJ: Each of us has talked to our parents. They ahve been kind of alright about it. They know we won't do anything crazy [ha! i wonder if ben's momsy agreed....]. I think our parents finally understand that this is not some crazy hobby, but is something we want to do with our lives. So we're making some money and seeing the world at the same time. How bad is that? [oh yeah, it's horrible....;)] Our parents aren't so worried about us like they were a few years ago. We're big on long as we win out in the end.
Teenies rule! (you can make fun of them)
These teeny articles scare me!