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About the ISU Climbing Club

This Fall semester, 1999, we're going to be going to Upper Limits as a club every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evening. Interested in joining us? Call 451-9699 and ask for Steve, Chad or Matt.

Click here to view an article on the club that appeared in the Daily Vidette.

Although the climbing club frequents Upper Limits, we don't, by any means, restrict ourselves to indoor climbing.  Believe it or not, there are actually a number of great climbing areas that aren't too far away.  Some of our favorite spots include Jackson Falls, in Southern Illinois, and Devil's Lake,in Wisconsin.  Every fall, and sometimes in the spring, we go on a few weekend trips to these places.  Getting there is never a problem; a few people bring their cars and we all pay our share of the gas bill.  And, of course, once we arrive, we just pitch our tents somewhere and campout.
In addition to a few of these shorter trips, the club ventures a bit further over the fall and spring breaks.  Red River Gorge, Kentucky, has been one of our favorite sites for the long weekend in the fall.  For the past two years, our spring trip has been to Red Rocks, Nevada.  Since Red Rocks is located just outside of Las Vegas, we've spent some time hanging out on "the strip" as well.
Personally, I love the kinds of outdoor activities that seem only to lend themselves to those who live in places like Colorado or Wyoming. Certainly, being in the club has given me the opportunity to see and experience these types of places, but the best thing is that it has also exposed me to places much closer that also have a lot to offer.

Robert Crowe
Former President of ISU Rock Climbing Club

Past trips:

Fall '96:
    - Jackson Falls, IL (Two weekends)
    - Devil's Lake, WI (One weekend)
    - Red River Gorge, KY (Fall Break weekend)

Spring '97:
    - Red Rocks, NV (Spring Break)
    - Jackson Falls, IL (one weekend)

Fall '97:
    - Jackson Falls, IL (one weekend)
    - Fern Cliff, IL (one weekend)

Fall '98:

    - Jackson Falls, IL (two weekends)
    - Red River Gorge, KY (Fall Break Weekend)

Spring '98:
    - Red Rocks, NV (Spring Break)

Fall '99:
    - Jackson Falls, IL
    - Devil's Lake, WI

To view photos of these trips, go to the trips page.

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