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Name That Tune!

Name That Tune!

Name That Tune

Listen to the clue, then if you know either
1. the song title
2. the artist
send me your answer right away via e-mail to:

The first person that sends me the correct answer wins.

The winner's name will be added to my Hall of Fame page, among all the other cool people!

Whenever someone wins, I will announce the winner on this page and the time and date for the posting of the new clue. Clues will be very short clips of songs that range from golden oldies to today's top 40.

Best of luck to all of you and have fun!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen...
We have a winner for Clue #7!
To see who this is, visit the Hall of Fame page!

Clue #9

Visit the "Hall of Fame" page here.

Name That Tune!