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Home Pages

Home Pages for all of Solace's denizens.

Please note!! These reviews were originally written by Lawren for VChat 3.0. I stole them, because I am lazy. However!! You can still read the descriptions and watch his descent into madness, as he visited and reviewed each page all on the same day. Yay! --shade. New Orleans - Shame's page about Solace.

Castle on a Chain - Owned and operated by Illiessa, it's an awesome source for Blood Angel History, but that's not the best part. HERE's the best part: She's got an entire GALLERY of V-Chatters pics from back to Chyrsalis to present. Go. Visit. Now.

ShadeFell's Den of Madness - This page is constructed by Bridge for her and for her character, Shadefell (aww, they share, how cute). Excellent links, excellent humor, excellento!

Ella's Page - For the Tzimsce in us all.

Raven's Peak - Maintained by the one and only Ravenloche, founder of the Dark Angel bloodline, this page has everything you want to know about her or her pet bloodline. A most excellent place to steal great graphics too, I'd take em myself, but that's wrong and just not nice.

Castle Raven - Dark Angel info abounds.

Nat's Big Bin O' Characters - Nathaniel, Sheriden, or any of the many of Nat's freaky wierdo characters are here in full VtM style, complete with history, description and more.

A Nightmare Fairytale - Our own resident Toreador at heart if not in character, Amethyst, designed this spookily goth page. Most excellent source for the lover of beauty in us all, and another excellent place to steal some kewl pics.

Vampyres: The Ring - Well, I'd tell you what this is all about, but I don't know, so BUG OFF!! I might check it out later and then let you know.

Beautiful Death - Who'd of thought a dude could be so sweet? This is Irick's page, yeah, the dancer. I think the last time I visited it was under construction, and I couldn't get into the constructed pages, but, hey, maybe you'll have more luck than me.

Pack Page - Ever wanted to know about the Pack, the lupinesque prowlers of the night? Go straight to the wolves' mouth so to speak and visit Thamos Loupes' Pack Page. Now available in Crinos or non-Crinos form.

Geminas Consortium - Hey, don't ask me what this is, I just work here. Seems to be some sort of Gangrel page run by Kaothol, but don't quote me on that one.

Church of Dawn Page - Though I have it on good authority that this page be a little outdated, it is still *the* best site to find information on that mysterious of mysterious sects, the Church of Dawn. Excellent graphics too, for those pictothiefs in the audience.

MysticChylde's Page - MysticChylde's Page.

SapphireStorm's Page. Sapph's page.

JenJen's Bin O' Characters - Same as Nat's page, cept different characters, different set up and just...different. Shut up, it's hard to do 50 descrips of homepages in one night...

NAILZ!!! - I shouldn't even need to say anymore. It's NAILZ, you HAVE to go now. Why are you waiting? GO GO GO!!

Night's Longing - Handy dandy page of links, to many places I haven't even included. Done by Vampress-Jen. Check it out, said me!

VinVin's Page - Yeah, I know it's a wierd name, but it's a DAMN good page. At least five stars. Go visit, you'll be glad you did. And if not, SCREW YOU THEN!

PanicButton's Page - You guys might remember this guy from his premiere in V-Chat WAY back in the day. Excellent page, though if you have a slow comp, BEWARE, his first page has one of those horrible applet things...

Mind's Eye - This page done by Greg aka Aris, who is now dead. *still cleaning bits of him off my suit* It's just starting, but I'm sure by the time you get here it'll be all set up and ready to rock.

Lair of the Nyght Chylde - And this would be the page about the dead guy Aris, mentioned above. Lotta stuff on it. No, I won't tell you about it, go see for yourself, lazy bastard.

Papillon After Dark - A very awesome page with most awesome stealable graphics. Links to rooms, disciplines, and way kewl stuff about VtM for the serious gamer in all of you. Kitsauna is listed as creating it, props to her!

Black Orchid - Aye, it's hard to come up with enough lauds to describe all these sites without repeating myself... This page is good. Very good. I like it lot. Go now. Made by Lady Marie Antoinette. *grunt* There, that was pretty easy...

Dark Raven's Hell Loft - That's it, just go see it. It's a great page, and I'd have to hurt you if you didn't go see it RIGHT now .

Darkness Falls - ADiLoN's page...did I get all the caps in the right spot? Deathly afraid I'll always mess that up... Anyway, great page, go have a looky see, it's mainly a gateway to his room from what I gather, but the setup is sweet.

I Am Strahd - Yup, you guessed it, Strahd did this page. Well worth the LONG ASS time it takes to load it. Many stealable pics and graphics and neat stuff... Boy, if I ever get around to making a personal homepage, I'll have plenty of places to steal pics...

Just a Bit of Me - This is Vampress Jen's PERSONAL homepage, as opposed to her PROFESSIONAL homepage, I can only assume. Go visit, if only because the voices in your head told you to.

Immortal Life - This would be Shari's site. Matza bueno. I don't want to describe it, I'm grumpy, so BACK OFF.

Mina's Anarch Lair - Yeppers, Mina's page. She'd pro'ly kill me if she knew it was on here, so SHHH, don't tell.

Silver Shadowlands - Page by Christine Raven. Frankly, I'm sorry to use your description space, Christine, but I need to protest the use of tripod and geocities. Say no to pop ups, go to angelfire. Now, back to Christine's page. Three thumbs up, including the guy LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER! *growls*

Lestat de Lioncourte's Page - Yeah, well, I'll just use his descrip, since my brain is really uninventinve today. "THIS IS NOT LIKE ALL OTHER CHILDREN OF DARKNESS WEBPAGES" There, that'll do yah. Oh, BTW, this site links to like five other sites by the same guy, and I don't really think you need to know each individual one. Follow his ring.

Shade Loupes' Page - *cracks knuckles* We can do this one of two ways. You can either go see her page right now due to my clever verbal persuasion, or I can get my friends Vince and Guido to bust some heads. Your choice. That's a good lad.

Lee's Page - So what? I'm not creative with naming the pages anymore. That's Lee's page, isn't it? You can't fault me for accuracy of description!! WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME?!?!

Heatherverse - Anything and everything you wanted to know about Heather...and more .

Ripkin's World - Go here to learn about the only Belgiumiam or Bulgarian or Bugabooian or whatever guy in V-Chat. Ok, basically, he comes from some country with a 'b', I know that at least. Neat page too, heavy on the Tally-worship. *brow* Our newschick has an admirer..