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       At the edges of the sky, a faint purple-pink began to creep up on the deep blue of the night sky, the sun ever so slowly stretching out, , the first rays of sunlight gently peering out from behind the darkness of the early-morning sky. The sun poked just above the skyline, climbing towards the horizon like a mountain climber who has worked for hours towards the peak, and, upon seeing his goal, feels a new burst of energy and pushes upward, suddenly thrusting above the edge and into the clear morning. The morning proclaimed itself clearly, looking through windows and lighting up rooms as if calling out that it had arrived, seeming to shout to the world, "Come and greet the new day!"

       Star stretched, yawned, and sat up, running a hand back through her midnight black hair. Her eyes flashed; the day had just begun, and the dawn of a new day meant endless possibilities . . .

Here she stands...her emerald eyes closed to the world, balanced on the edge of love and hate, dark and light . . . she is a child of balance, as surely as she was born a Child of Avalon; the wraith, a being with no more physical substance than others put into her. Her slender body is agile and light, so small and slight she seems delicate, easily broken; how deceiving, considering all that she has lived through, yet she remains unbroken by the trials the gods have sent her through. Midnight black hair falls into her bright emerald eyes; they hold a hint of mystery, intrigue, speaking to any who look deep enough of a thousand duplicities, the darkness at sunrise and the brilliance of sunset; though she is no great beauty, it is the darkness and light in those eyes that deceives people into thinking her beautiful. She is many things; priestess, sister, friend, lover, enemy . . . she changes; one moment friendly and kind, the next cold and hateful; in an instant, she may go from a potential friend to the weilder of the blade that ends your miserable life.

"Are you *sure* it's this way?" Star complained as she continued her hike through the woods. Her companion, a large white tiger, peered up at her with sungold eyes that seemed always to be very bright. His loud, growling voice was heard in her head. Of course I'm sure. Why would I lead you this way if I wasn't sure? Despite the growling tone, Star knew that the tiger was more hurt than angry. The tiger was never angry with her, and served more as a protector. She sighed. "I dunno, but we've been walking an awful long time . . ."

The tiger snorted. Don't you trust me, mistress? His voice said indignantly. Star tipped her head to one side, grinning, but before she could answer, a soft mew answered for her. Of course she doesn't, you dip. Who in their right mind would trust an idiot tiger like you, Savarin?  As usual, Maise's sarcasm was not lost on Savarin, who turned his big head and growled loudly. Mistress Star, why must that infernal feline follow us everywhere? She's not even yours!

"Cats belong to no one," Star replied, glancing back at the sleek orange and white cat who trotted along behind them peaceably, her tail held high. "Maise does as she pleases. Sorry, Sunny," she added with a fond smile to her tiger friend. Savarin snorted again and turned back towards the path through the woods, his paws moving more swiftly because of his agitation. Maise's green eyes blinked, and she began to trot faster, suddenly leaping up onto Star's shoulder. Star glanced back at her. "Along for the ride, are you?"

Maise looked at her coyly and began washing her paws. As much as Star loved animals, and most especially felines, Maise could certainly be arrogant sometimes. Still, the cat had saved Star's life a time or two, and Savarin's as well, so she allowed her to ride on her shoulder. She glanced at Savarin, wishing the big tiger would slow down and let her ride him, but he would never allow it with Maise on her shoulder. "Slow down, Sunny, please?"

The tiger looked back at her, gave a growling sigh, and slowed. Only for you, mistress, he added with a glance at Maise that made Star smile. Savarin really did like Maise, she mused, just like she did, but it was beyond his pride to allow his affection to show for anyone but her. She walked faster, catching up with him, and petted his head. He gave her a slow, tiger version of an affectionate smile.

She realized with a start that she had no idea where Savarin was leading them.

Maise curled up around Star's neck like a furry, living scarf, and yawned cat-style. Star wished she could do the same. It was getting late, and she was getting tired, but Sunny trotted with enthusiasm so she kept going. Finally, she gave up and stopped, resting against a tree as she slid to the ground, calling out to the tiger, "Sunny, wait . . . I'm too tired . . ."

Savarin turned and sighed softly, walking back to her. He nuzzled his soft head against her throat. Please keep going, mistress, I really want you to see this place, and even if I didn't, it's not safe here. We're in the middle of the Deep Forest . . .

Savarin's warnings, though well-meant, fell on deaf ears. Star's emerald eyes slid closed tiredly; she couldn't keep going, even though she knew that if Savarin was right, and this was the Deep Forest, falling asleep was the worst thing she could do . . .