<-- put the server you want where i have irc.zuh.net - most ports are 6667 change the port # if you need to - put your room name where i have cybercity333 --> <-- this is the script that activates the music when you click on the pull down menu, do not alter this script --> <-- these codes make your irc work, do not alter these codes. --> <-- end of codes that can't be altered --> <--THIS CHANGES THE BACKGROUND COLOR HERE--> <--ITS BLACK NOW-->
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<--If you want an image to show when people come in your irc put it here, or you can put a text message here. --> <-- this is the start of the chatbar typing code -->
<-- this is where you type the who, warn, brb, away etc. button messages i have a couple typed in already --> <--These are the msg boxs here, i have 4 of them-->
<-- here are the buttons for the who, warn, brb, away etc. -->
<--Here are the room changer and optional url buttons, where it says location http:// you put the url of the page this is on right now -->