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stanley gemmell

I saw you, you were color red,
The way red seems to give of itself

To infect everything and concatenate
the way red plays on your skin

And the way you have a home inside a tree
And the way you orate


The Death Goddess, Atropos, was said to rise from the western
sea, whence her name in Gaelic: Muir-gen, or Sea-born.

I have brought the last, small fire stones
To the plains that have become sacred to you.
Caught gemstone fishes who sparkle in light.
In labyrinthine pools have worn the sparklet
Scales and learned to live like the prism,
Scattered.  I am an ecstasy of resemblances.
After I have been carved into the limestone
I will become the smoke water the frog inhales.
And look into the lake five thousand times at once
A servent at the compulsion of a secret, rumored Law.
Or name and my tongue will grow
Barbed as certain roots of trees.
And night will come like a dream of
Initiation while soft voices carry residual
Dreams, like wind, from far away.  As far.
The sea's edge blurring out its constant
Arrival, born again from the vastness.
And there is a corrosive skin of a lizard
Hanging on the doors of many homes
Who know the dragon, while the sea depths
Strain and become caps and foam.
The sea is all alone, the sky
Bearing tree of torturous embrace.
A goddess.  Whose space.  Like
Blood inside the vein.


Girl, you are wicked to love me,
To love me is like the high vault of light
To love me is of an order of eyesight absurdly beautiful
Because meanwhile the earth, the heart of the earth is round
As many beautiful things as there are moments
Girl, you have chosen the moment


silent the epiphany                                                before

there is time lain down                                          never

upon the carpet.  no one has                                  cannot

ever heard this before:                                           simple


because silent are the eyes                                    later

because darkness lain down                                  darkness

upon a beautiful carpet                                         dissent

don't say no one has ever                                     after

heard this before                                                  ever


   in an infinity of patience

   the symbol of the red rose

   your lips and pelvis


   you are seventy-two emeralds
   (the product of a sculpture)


   on the last day of every year
   you will see visions


Everything is asteroid and debris,
everywhere the evil eye salt and sea
I have known you near to me
These days say, "It's not enough to be happy."


There is vinegar in your veins, today there is constant
and motion; you cannot do this, your eyes, have begun
to water.     Little - One, overdetermin.d - one, over -
analyzed one, and still we know thin and pale.  Nothing
can condemn you: your faults are the product of
your love for life.  Nothing makes you unlucky.

The streetlamp is yellow, for your halo...

Four thousand, infinity, eight thousand;
Three, blue, cold and dust.  Dig death dungeon
I am the most helpful meridian.  Rivers,
my eyes.  Fantastic friction, come display
your loves


Wicked Girl you make me happy
Here, let me sharpen you,
Wicked Girl as Mary to Joseph
I, thou and Baphomet.


                                                         April 1997
                                                         Easter Sunday

The dice thrown
       he lies down
            upon the tomb


World worn, symphonic
Beautiful word world,
I can hear him say,

"For you, my girl - love,
I have gathered all
The colors and shapes
Meaning love,"

"And set them into motion
The way motion moves in water."

And because this is desire
He closes his eyes, in surrender.




