One Minute Recommendations!

Don't Die My Love

WRITTEN BY: Lurlene McDaniel
Recommended by: Lydia

This book was so sad. But this is definately my favorite book in the world. Everyone should get a chance to read this book. It's the best. It'll leave you with tears in your eyes so before reading this book, I suggest you to get a box of tissues.

Mankind Have A Nice Day: A Tale of Blood And Sweatsocks

WRITTEN BY: Mick Foley
Recomended by : Jenny High

it is about Mick Foley, who just happens to be the man behind the WWF's Cactus Jack, Dude Love, and Mankind, and written BY Mick Foley.

A Light In The Attic

WRITTEN BY : Shel Silverstone
Recommended by :Annie Leifur

It is a series of amazing poems written by Shel Silverstine, one of the best poets of our time! This is my favorite book besides th all great SVH books!!!

Roswell High #1

WRITTEN BY:Melinda Metz
Recommended by: Teresa

It's got everything- suspense, friendship, and a touching romance between two soulmates.
Goodnight Kiss

Recommended by: Jaime Varas

It was scary and intense. It had a surprising end.

WRITTEN BY:Judith McNaught
Recommended by: Sarah Collist

It's a sad, tear-jerking story. It's really great, and I'm sure a lot of people who read it love it.