Page 26
Liz "Forgive me, Jess, If I'm not shedding any tears about you feeling torn for two guys. There are worse things you know"
Page 42
Andy "I wish we could just walk up behind some millionaire and club him over the head"
Page 70
Maria (said to Ken) "Whenever you think about playing, your eyes get all narrow and your face gets all serious. It makes me want to hike my shoe to you too see if you'd automatically hurl it across the room"
Page 115
Jessica "Like when Ken ripped the blankets off Max Waters and he was completely naked"
Tia "Completely"
Jessica "One hundred percent raw"
Will "What did he do?"
Jessica "Screamed like a baby"
Page 123
Andy "Have you ever wondered how many tax dollars are wasted so someone can stamp the word inedible on all the big cafeteria cans? I mean do they really have a problem with lots of confused students digging through them for their lunch"
Tia "You think too much, Andy"
Conner " Andy thinking to much? I really doubt that's his problem."