Can't Stay Away
1. What color did Liz wear in her lst day of school?
Pink Yellow Baby Blue Green
2. What is Will's locker number?
581 185 851 300
3.How long is Jessica's shift at Healthy?
8 hours 4 hours 12 hours 6 hours
4. Who is NOT in Elizabeth's Creative writing Class?
Enid Rollins Conner McDermott Andy Marsden Ken Matthews
5. What is the name of the Fowlers maid?
Mrs. Belvidere Mrs. Niles Mrs. Pervis Mrs. Doubtfire
6. Where did Will and Jess go on there date?
Michael's Cafe McDonalds(they supersized it!) Rollerblading To get Pizza
7. Who was chosen Fashion Editor for the Oracle?
Graciela Solis(duh she has the most fashion sense!) Jen Graft Megan Sandborn Kelly Taylor
8.What is Megan's nickname for her brother?
Connie bropro Mac Tinky Winky
9.Who is Melissa's best-friend?
Cherie Reese She has friends? Gina Cho Lila Fowler
10. Where did Melissa and her friends go before the dance?
Breaking Point Lovers Lake Mariners Point Get Your Freak on Lane