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Below is a partial list of reference sources—published works I have in my personal collection. Each of them, in its own unique way, has been an invaluable aid to my research. Though numerous other sources have been consulted for each of my various projects, the titles of those fine works and their authors are, unfortunately, lost to me at present.

All For The Union: A History of the 2nd Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry... (Robert Hunt Rhodes, ed.)

Andersonville: The Last Depot (William Marvel)

Antietam: The Photographic Legacy of America’s Bloodiest Day (William A. Frassanito)

April ’65: Confederate Covert Action in the American Civil War (William Tidwell)

The Armies of U. S. Grant (James R. Arnold)

Ashes of Glory, Richmond At War (Ernest B. Furgurson)

The Atlas of the Civil War (James M. McPherson)

Autobiography & Reminiscences of John W. Carroll (John William Carroll)

Autobiography of Asa Biggs (Asa Biggs)

Autobiography of Col. Richard Malcolm Johnston (Col. Richard Malcolm Johnston)

Autobiography of John G. Fee, Berea, Kentucky (John G. Fee)

The Battlefields of the Civil War (William C. Davis with Russ A. Pritchard)

Battle Maps of the Civil War

Becoming Southern (Christopher Morris)

Bentonville (N. Hughes)

Bits of Gossip (Rebecca Harding Davis)

The Blue & The Gray: The Story of The Civil War as Told by Participants (Henry S. Commager)

Blue-Eyed Child of Fortune: The Civil War Letters of Col. Robert Gould Shaw (Robert Gould Shaw)

A Boy’s Experience in the Civil War (Thomas Hughes)

A Brief History of the Slave Life of Rev. R. L. Ferebee (Rev. R. L. Ferebee)

Campaigning with Grant (Horace Porter)

Canal Reminiscences (George William Bagby)

Chancellorsville (Stephen Sears)

Citizen Sherman (M. Fellman)

City Under Siege: Richmond in the Civil War (Mike Wright)

The Civil War (Geoffrey C. Ward, with Ric Burns and Ken Burns)

The Civil War: A Narrative (Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville) (Shelby Foote)

The Civil War: A Narrative (Vol. 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian) (Shelby Foote)

The Civil War: A Narrative (Vol. 3: Red River to Appomattox) (Shelby Foote)

The Civil War at Charleston

The Civil War Battlefield Guide

Civil War Battlefields (William C. Davis)

The Civil War Collector’s Encyclopedia

Civil War Curiosities (Webb Garrison)

The Civil War Day by Day: An Almanac 1861-1865 (E. B. Long with Barbara Long)

The Civil War in North Carolina (John Barrett)

The Civil War Sourcebook (Philip Katcher)

The Civil War Supply Catalog

Civil War Times Illustrated - The First 20 Years (20 Volumes)

The Civil War Trust’s Official Guidebook

The Civil War Wordbook (Darryl Lyman)

"Co. Aytch": A Side Show of the Big Show (Sam R. Watkins)

Colt (W. Hosley)

Come Retribution: Confederate Secret Service and the Assassination of Lincoln (William Tidwell)

The Commanders of the Civil War (William C. Davis)

Confederate Charleston (R. Rosen)

A Confederate Girl’s Diary (Sarah Morgan Dawson)

Confederate Scout-Sniper (Berry Benson)

Conquering the Valley (Robert Krick)

Country Life in Georgia in the Days of My Youth (Rebecca Latimer Felton)

Dark Lanterns: Secret Political Societies, Conspiracies, and Treason Trials in the Civil War (Frank Klement)

Days of Darkness (The Gettysburg Civilians) (William Williams)

Decision in the West (Albert Castel)

Diary, 1860-1866, South Carolina (Margaret Ann Meta Morris Grimball)

Diary of a Refugee (Frances Hewitt Fearn)

Diary of a TarHeel Soldier (Louis Leon)

Diary of Belle Edmondson; January-November, 1864 (Belle Edmondson)

Disaster on the Mississippi (G. Salecker)

Doctors in Gray (H. H. Cunningham)

Don Troiani’s Civil War (Don Troiani)

Dr. Mudd and The Lincoln Assassination: The Case Reopened (J. P. Jones)

Early Photography at Gettysburg (William Frassanito)

Embattled Confederates (Bell I. Wiley)

The Encyclopedia of the Civil War (Patricia L. Faust, Editor)

The Encyclopedia of the Confederacy (Vol. 1)

The Encyclopedia of the Confederacy (Vol. 2)

The Encyclopedia of the Confederacy (Vol. 3)

The Encyclopedia of the Confederacy (Vol. 4)

The Encyclopedia of the Victorian World (Melinda Corey and George Ochoa)

Everyday Life In The 1800s (Marc McCutcheon)

Experience of a Confederate Chaplain, 1861-1864 (Alexander Davis Betts, D. D.)

The Experience of a Slave in South Carolina (John Andrew Jackson)

The Experience of Thomas H. Jones, Who Was A Slave (Thomas H. Jones)

Extracts of Letters of Major General Bryan Grimes to his Wife (Major General Bryan Grimes)

Field of Battle: Letters of Major Thomas J. Halsey (Major Thomas J. Halsey)

Fifty Years in Chains, or, The Life of an American Slave (Charles Ball)

Fighting Men of the Civil War (William C. Davis)

The Flush Times of Alabama & Mississippi (Joseph Glover Baldwin)

From Manassas To Appomattox (James Longstreet)

General John Buford (Edward Longacre)

Georgia Scenes: Characters, Incidents, Etc. (Augustus Baldwin Longstreet)

Gettysburg: A Journey In Time (William A. Frassanito)

Gettysburg: The Confederate High Tide (Time Life Books, ed.)

Gettysburg July 1 (David G. Martin)

Gettysburg: The Second Day (H. W. Pfanz)

A Girl’s Life in Virginia Before The War (Letitia M. Burwell)

A Grandmother’s Recollections of Dixie (Mary Norcott Bryan)

Grant: Memoirs & Selected Letters, 1839-1865 (Ulysses S. Grant)

Grant Takes Command (Bruce Catton)

Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy (Richard Brownlee)

Great Photographers of the Civil War

Harriet—The Moses of Her People (Sarah H. Bradford)

Hospital Sketches (Louisa May Alcott)

How A One-Legged Rebel Lives (John Robson)

How It Was: Four Years Among The Rebels (Mrs. Irby Morgan)

Humorous Incidents of the Civil War (A. C. McLeary)

Jeb Stuart (J. Thomason)

Johnny Reb & Billy Yank (Alexander Hunter)

Jubal (Charles Osbourne)

Landscape Turned Red (Stephen W. Sears)

Lee vs. Pickett: Two Divided by War

Life Gleanings (Thomas Joseph Macon)

The Life of Abraham Lincoln

The Life of Billy Yank (Bell I. Wiley)

The Life of Johnny Reb (Bell I. Wiley)

Lincoln (D. H. Donald)

The Lincoln Murder Conspiracies (William Hanchett)

Mapping The Civil War (Christopher Nelson)

The March to the Sea & Beyond (J. Glatthaar)

Marching Through Georgia (Lee Kennett)

Mary Chesnut’s Civil War (C. Vann Woodward, ed.)

Masters of Small Worlds (S. McCurry)

Mathew Brady & His World

Mathew Brady’s Illustrated History of The Civil War (Benson J. Lossing)

Memoirs of a Southern Woman Within The Lines (Mary Jones Polk Branch)

Memoirs of a Southerner, 1840-1923 (Edward J. Thomas)

Memoirs of Samuel M. Janney (Samuel McPherson Janney)

Memorials os a Southern Planter (Susan Smedes)

Memories of Childhood’s Slavery Days (Annie L. Burton)

Military Reminiscences of General William R. Boggs (General William Robertson Boggs)

More Generals In Gray (Bruce Allardice)

Morgan’s Men: A Narrative of Personal Experiences (Henry Lane Stone)

Mosby’s Rangers (J. Wert)

Mother’s of Invention (Drew Gilpin Faust)

Mr. Lincoln’s Forts: The Guide to the Civil War Defenses of Washington (Benjamin Franklin Cooling, III and Walton H. Owen, II)

Muffled Drums & Mustard Spoons : Cecil Co., Maryland (Jerre Garrett)

My Day; Reminiscences of a Long Life (Sara Agnes Rice Pryor)

My Enemy, My Brother (Joseph Persico)

My Imprisonment & The First Year of Abolition Rule (Rose O’Neal Greenhow)

My Own Life, Or, A Deserted Wife (Ida May Beard)

Myths After Lincoln (Lloyd Lewis)

Narrative of William W. Brown, an American Slave (William W. Brown)

The Narrative of Bethany Veney, A Slave Woman (Bethany Veney)

Nathan Bedford Forrest : First with the Most (Robert Selph Henry)

The New Man; Twenty-Nine Years a Slave (Henry Clay Bruce)

Numbers & Losses in the Civil War (Thomas L. Livermore)

The Old Plantation (James Battle Avirett)

Old Plantation Days (Nancy Bostick De Saussure)

The Old South: A Monograph (Howard Melancthon Hamill)

Old Times in Dixie Land (Caroline Elizabeth Thomas Merrick)

On Many A Bloody Field (A. Gaff)

On The Old Plantation : Reminiscences of His Childhood (John George Clinkscales)

The Peninsula Campaign (Vol. 1) (William Miller, ed.)

The Peninsula Campaign (Vol. 2) (William Miller, ed.)

A Photographic History of the Civil War (Vol. 1) (William C. Davis, Editor)

A Photographic History of the Civil War (Vol. 2) (William C. Davis, Editor)

Pickett: Leader of the Charge (Edward Longacre)

Plantation Life Before Emancipation (Robert Mallard)

Portals To Hell (Lonnie Speer)

Quantrill & The Border Wars (William Elsey Connelly)

Quantrill’s War (Duane Shultz)

Rebel Raider: The Life of John Hunt Morgan (J. Rampage)

A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary (John B. Jones)

A Rebel’s Recollections (George Cary Eggleston)

Return To Bull Run (J. Hennessy)

Reveille in Washington (Margaret Leech)

"Right Or Wrong, God Judge Me": The Writings of John Wilkes Booth (John Rhodehamel and Louise Taper, ed.)

Robert E. Lee (E. Thomas)

Seasons of War (Daniel E. Sutherland)

The Secret War For The Union (E. Fishel)

Sherman’s Horsemen (D. Evans)

Shiloh (L. Daniel)

Shrouds of Glory (W. Groom)

Social Life in Old Virginia Before the War (Thomas Nelson Page)

A Soldier’s Story (Miles Sherrill)

Some Reminiscences (William Lawrence Royall)

The South in the Olden Time (Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry)

A Southern Girl in ’61 (Louise Wigfall Wright)

The Southern Husband Outwitted by His Northern Wife (Kate Plake)

A Southern Woman’s War Time Reminiscences (Elizabeth Lyle Saxon)

Spys and Spymasters of the Civil War

Statistical Records of the Civil War

Stonewall of the West (C. Symonds)

Stonewall in the Valley (R. G. Tanner)

Stonewall Jackson: The Man, The Soldier, The Legend (James Robertson)

The Story of a Confederate Boy in the Civil War (David Emmons Johnston)

The Story of a Long Life (Marian Harland)

The Story The Soldiers Wouldn’t Tell (T. Lowry)

A Strange & Blighted Land (Gregory A. Coco)

The Summer of the Pestilence (George Armstrong)

Tarnished Eagles (T. Lowry)

Terrible Innocence: General Sherman at War (Mark Coburn)

The Testimony of a Refugee from East Tennessee (Hermann Bokum)

The Ties of the Past: The Gettysburg Diaries of Salome Myers Stewart (Salome Myers Stewart)

Through Blood & Fire (Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain)

Touched By Fire (William C. Davis)

Twelve Years a Slave (Solomon Northup)

Twenty Days (Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt and Philip B. Kunhardt)

Two Boys in the Civil War and After (William Robert Houghton)

The Union Soldier in Battle (Earl Hess)

U. S. Grant: Soldier & President (J. Perret)

Victorian America and the Civil War (Anne Rose)

A Virginia Girl in the Civil War 1861-1865 (Myrta Lockett Avary)

Voices of the Civil War - Antietam

Voices of the Civil War - Atlanta

Voices of the Civil War - Gettysburg

Voices of the Civil War - Second Manassas

War Days in Fayetteville North Carolina

The War; Stonewall Jackson, His Campaigns & Battles, the Regiment As I Saw Them (James H. Wood)

The War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl, 1864-1865 (Eliza Frances Andrews)

War-Time Sketches Historical and Otherwise (Adelaide Dimitry)

The West (Geoffrey C. Ward, with Stephen Ives and Ken Burns)

Winfield Scott Hancock: A Soldier’s Life (D. Jordan)

Witness to Gettysburg (Richard Wheeler)

Who Wore What? (Women’s Wear 1861-1865) (Juanita Leisch)

A Woman’s War Record, 1861-1865 (Septima Maria Levy Collis)

A Woman’s Wartime Journal (Dolly Sumner Lunt Burge)

Women at Gettysburg (Eileen Conklin)

In addition to the above works, I have also come to rely heavily on the following periodicals for interesting tidbits and detailed information on up-to-the-minute historical discoveries. Each of these is a must-have for any Civil War fanatic...

America’s Civil War Magazine

The Blue & The Gray Magazine

Columbiad Magazine

Civil War Magazine

Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine

Gettysburg Magazine

Hallowed Ground

North & South Magazine

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