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Name:Tara Lanham


Birthdate:November 29,1978

From:Rosiclare, Illinois in Southern Illinois where nothing usually happens!

Occupation:Fulltime CIS(Computer Information Systems)College Student at Southeastern Illinois College

Dreams:Get out of Rosiclare for good! Get a good paying job in the computer programming field, or win the $Lottery$ first! *LOL*

Collections:Beanie Babies, Taz stuff, Kentucky Wildcat's products <--they rule!

What I do in My Spare Time:surf the net, chat on the net, work on homepages, cruise through town, watch tv, shop, go to movies. <-Typical small town stuff!

Where I Chat & My Handles:YahooChat -handle Queen97_2004,mIRC -handle Tazmania9,AOL Instant Messenger -screenname TLanham20,ICQ #27349110 -Tazmania

That's all I've got on here at the moment. If you'd like to know more just Email me, message me in the box below, or look for me in chat! Please be sure to go to all of my pages & DON'T forget to sign my guestbook! I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for visiting!=)

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