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Tri-City Classic Bowling League


General Rules


Rule 1, USBC Sanctioned League


This league will be called the Tri-City Classic League and shall be sanctioned by the United States Bowling Congress, through the Greater Davenport USBC Bowling Association Inc. This shall be an open, scratch league, with no maximum or minimum limit on team or individual entering average.


Rule 2, Team Captain, Authority


A team captain is a member of the league authorized to organize and enter a team in league play. The captain is the team’s representative on the league board of directors. The captain has authority as defined in USBC Rule 104a.


Rule 3, Franchise and Bowling Fees


a.    Each team shall pay the sum of $50.00 franchise (sponsor) fee to the Secretary-Treasurer. Such payment is to be made prior to the first day of February each season.

b.    The established price of league bowling shall be paid each week by every member to the team captain. The captain then shall pay the amount collected from his team’s members to the secretary-treasurer as early each week as is possible.


Rule 4, Prize List


The secretary-treasurer shall prepare a proposed prize list each season and shall submit said prize list to the board of directors for their approval.


Rule 5, Prize List Eligibility


a.    To qualify for individual average or individual high score awards, a member must have bowled at least two-thirds of the scheduled games during the season.

b.    A substitute bowler may qualify for individual average or individual high score prize money by having bowled at least two-thirds of the scheduled games during the season. In addition, said substitute must have bowled at least 45 games with one particular team. In this event, the prize money will be awarded to the team with which the substitute bowled at least 45 games.

c.    No more than five players on the same team shall be entitled to individual average prize money. If a team should have six players with an average high enough to be eligible for individual average prize money, and have also bowled at least two-thirds of the scheduled games during the season, prize money shall be awarded to the bowlers having the five highest averages on that team.

d.    No individual may collect more than one prize for high single game. No individual may collect for more than one prize for high three-game series. No team may collect more than one prize for high team game. No team may collect more than one prize for high team series.


Rule 6, League Standings and Schedule


a.    League standings shall be determined on a point basis, with five points earned for each team game won and one point earned for each individual game won in man-to-man match play competition. No points shall be awarded at the series level, team or individual.

b.    The league season shall be divided into two halves, each being 16 weeks in length. One additional week will be bowled by all teams, during which in-league individual and team tournaments will be conducted. Also during the final two weeks, matches will be held to determine the eventual team champions for the season. If each half is won by a different team, the two teams each winning a half would meet on the final night to determine the League Champion. If the same team wins both halves, that team shall be declared League Champions. 

c.    The league will be divided into three divisions, the Cal Whitmore, Bob Neff and Bob Cosper divisions. Each division will consist of four teams, to be determined by the previous year’s final standings. Teams will be reassigned

divisions for the second half of the season based upon their record in the first half of the schedule.

d.    Each team will bowl the other three teams in their division twice, and will bowl the other eight teams once in each half. This will account for 14 weeks of the half. The 15th week of each half would consist of semi-final matches in which the team with the best record of all the teams would bowl the wild card team while the remaining division leaders shall bowl each other. The wild card team is the team that has the best record, but without being a division leader. Week 16 of each half will have the two semi-final winners bowl for the championship of the half.


Rule 7, Tie for Championship


a.    In case of a tie for first place upon completion of any section of the league schedule, a roll-off of the tie between the teams that are tied shall be held. A one game roll-off shall be bowled to determine that section’s championship team. Any such roll-off shall be determined on the point system used in regular league play.

b.    If, at the completion of the roll-off game, the points are evenly divided (5-5), as many additional games shall be bowled as is necessary for one team to win more points than their opponent.

c.    Similar roll-off rules shall be followed if a tie on points exists between teams playing for the league championship.

d.    If a three-way tie for the championship of any section of the schedule should occur, the eventual champion will be determined on the following basis: a round robin series of three one-game matches will be held, using the rules that govern regular league play during the season. These one-game matches will follow this schedule:

Team 1 vs Team 2

Team 2 vs Team 3

Team 3 vs Team 1

The team winning the greatest number of points shall be declared champion of that section.

e.    If a tie exists for high individual average, the league shall arrange a roll-off between those members that are tied.   The individual average championship shall be decided by actual pinfall in any such roll-off.

f.    Any roll-off session for either team or individual championship shall be held                                                                  as soon as lanes are available, and in all cases must be completed before the date of the league’s annual banquet.

g.    Scores bowled in any roll-off shall not count toward any special prize awards offered by the league, nor shall these scores be counted into team or individual averages. Scores bowled in any roll-off will earn any USBC awards for which the score qualifies.

h.    The cost of all lines bowled for any roll-off shall be paid from the league treasury.


Rule 8, Franchise


a.    A team must indicate its intention to continue membership in this league within 30 days of the opening of each season.

b.    The leagues board of directors shall have the right to recall any franchise which it has issued.

c.    The team franchise privilege shall be held by the team captain, with such franchise to remain valid as long as the team captain and his players are acceptable to the majority of the board of directors.

d.    If the holder of a franchise in this league no longer desires to retain that franchise, he shall notify the secretary-treasurer of his decision. The secretary-treasurer shall then call a special meeting of the board of directors, at which time the franchise in question shall be awarded. Teammates of the retiring franchise holder shall have first choice for the vacated franchise, providing said applicant is acceptable to the board of directors. Should none of the remaining members of that team desire the franchise, the written application(s) for a franchise (if any) shall be acted upon. Should it be that no immediate seekers are known to the board of directors, the secretary-treasurer shall be empowered to seek and admit into the league any team needed to fill the league. This action on the part of the secretary-treasurer shall not require a special meeting of the board of directors.


Playing Rules


Rule 1, Starting Time and Site


All games will be bowled on lanes 13 through 24 at Leisure Lanes, Davenport, Iowa. The league will bowl Thursdays, with starting time no later than 6:30 P.M.


Rule 2, Weekly Bowling Fee


Each member is obligated to pay weekly league fee as established by the board of directors.


Rule 3, Recording of Lineup


The team scheduled to start a match on the left lane of each pair of lanes shall record their lineup before their opponent records their lineup.


Rule 4, Postponements


a.    A postponement shall be granted under the following conditions:

1.    The team requesting the postponement shall notify the secretary-treasurer and the opposing team captain at least 24 hours prior to the time of the scheduled match. This 24 hour notice may be waived in the event that violent weather occurs within that time. This exception shall be liberally extended to any team that originates from beyond the immediate Quad Cities area.

2.    The captains of the teams involved shall agree to a date for bowling the postponed series. If within one week from the date the match was originally scheduled, the two team captains cannot agree upon a date, it may be set by the secretary-treasurer, who shall notify both captains of the date and time. This notification shall be given at least three days prior to the date set. Under no circumstances shall any postponed games be bowled after the close of the league schedule.

b.    When a postponement has been granted, the league secretary-treasurer shall immediately notify Leisure Lanes of the change in schedule and shall arrange to have a pair of lanes available which are acceptable for use under this rule. Postponed games shall be bowled under the following conditions:

1.    On the pair of lanes on which the match was originally scheduled, unless that pair is unavailable. The games may then be bowled on another pair of lanes approved by the league officials. This alternate pair of lanes should, if at all possible, be lanes on which the league normally has games scheduled.

2.    Games must be bowled at the same time by both teams in competition with each other on the same pair of lanes. Teams may not bowl at different times and then compare scores to determine the outcome of the league games.

3.    Failure to bowl postponed games prior to the conclusion of the league schedule shall result in that series being dropped from the schedule. Neither team shall be given credit for wins or losses in the official standings.

4.    The same rules and regulations which prevail in regular league competition shall apply when postponed games are being bowled.

5.    Prebowled games shall be given the same consideration and be subject to the same conditions as are applied in the case of postponed games.


Rule 5, Forfeiture


a.    Games shall be declared forfeited under the following conditions:

1.    A team fails to appear to bowl when scheduled or at the time set for bowling a postponed series.

2.    A team is denied a requested postponement and fails to appear when scheduled.

3.    A team does not have the required number of players present to constitute a legal lineup at the start of one or more games in a series. A team must have three (3) bowlers present, but these need not be regular members of the team.

4.    A team, when present, declines to bowl their scheduled games.

b.    When games are declared forfeited, the team present must bowl its games as though being actually contested. A complete team frame must be bowled on one lane before the leadoff man starts to bowl the next frame.

c.    Those members of the team forfeiting a game (or games) who are present at the time the match is scheduled to be held shall be allowed to bowl along with the team winning by forfeiture. Their individual scores will count in league records and qualify for any league and/or USBC individual awards.


Rule 6, Absentees


A team which is required to bowl with less than the number of players required to constitute a full lineup, but having the number of players needed to constitute a legal lineup, shall be permitted to use a blind (Kat) score for each absentee. This blind score shall be, per game, ten (10) pins less than the lowest regular member of the league, based on a minimum of 21 games having been bowled. If no regular member has bowled 21 games in the current season, the blind score shall be ten (10) pins less than the average of the lowest regular member in the preceding season.



Rule 7, Disability, Injury, Emergency


When a player is unable to complete a game because of disability, injury or emergency, and a qualified substitute is not available to bowl, the team of which he is a member shall be allowed to count his actual score for the frames bowled in the game, plus a pro-rated allowance of the leagues blind (Kat) score for the remaining frames in that game. The score of any game in which two or more players are used shall not be charged to the average of any bowler.


Rule 8, Substitutions


a.    Team captains shall not be permitted to change their team’s lineup during a series. If there is a need for a replacement during the series, the replacement bowler shall bowl in the lineup position of the player he replaces. When a substitution is made during a game, the score of that game shall not be charged to the average of either bowler.

b.    Scores bowled through the efforts of more than one individual player shall not qualify for any USBC or league high score award.

c.    A player once removed from a game cannot return to bowl in that same game.

d.    Unlimited substitution shall be permitted in this league, except for conditions outlined in the following paragraph. It is permissible for a substitute to bowl with more than one team for any week’s scheduled games, but he cannot bowl for more than one team in any one game.

e.    When a bowler who has been used a regular member of a team during the current season quits that team, he cannot be used a substitute for any other team during the remainder of the season unless the captain of the team with which he had bowled as a regular member releases him, and such release meets with the approval of a majority of the league board of directors.


Rule 9, Tardy Players


A player who arrives after his team has started bowling shall be permitted to begin bowling and catch up, providing the team of which he is a member has not completed the fifth frame.


Rule 10, Transferring Team Membership (Regular Members)


A player can be a regular member of only one team in this league at any particular time each season. A transfer can be arranged between teams in the league during the season in the following manner:

·         The player desiring the transfer obtains a release from his team captain.

·         Two-thirds of the team captains agree to the transfer.

·         After the transfer is arranged, the player may not bowl with the team from which he secured a release for the balance of the current season.


Rule 11, Tie Scores


When a team game results in a tie score, each of the teams involved shall be credited with having won 2 ½ points. When an individual game results in a tie score, each of the two players involved shall be credited with having won a half (1/2) point.


Rule 12, Protests


Protests involving eligibility, scoring, or general playing rules shall be governed as follows:

a.    Any protest affecting eligibility or general playing rules must be confirmed in writing to a responsible league or Greater Davenport USBC Bowling Association official, or to the United States Bowling Congress, not later than fifteen (15) days after the series in which the alleged infraction occurred has been bowled. If no written protest is entered prior to the expiration of the fifteen (15) day period, the series must stand as bowled. Protests resulting out of competition on the concluding night of the league schedule must be filed within 48 hours thereafter.

b.    Each protest under this rule must be specific in itself and this rule shall not be construed to cover a previous or succeeding similar situation.


Rule 13, Misconduct


a.    Any member of this league who has been charged with misconduct, and has been found guilty as charged by a majority of the leagues board of directors, shall be penalized as follows:

1.    Upon the first conviction of misconduct in a season by a given member, a fine of $50.00 shall be paid by the guilty member and must be paid before said member will be allowed to compete in future league matches.

2.    If the same member is found guilty of a second misconduct charge during the season, a fine of $100.00 must be paid before said member will be allowed to compete in future league matches.

3.    Upon conviction of following a third misconduct incident during the season, the member shall be immediately discharged from league membership. Further, said bowler will be required to pay an additional $100.00 fine before being allowed to join a team in this league in a future season.

b.    All fines collected during a season under provisions of this rule shall be held in an escrow account until the season is completed. At that time, such funds shall be offered to the proprietor of Leisure Lanes to help defray the cost on any equipment repairs needed because of the incident(s) of misconduct by our members.

c.    If no monetary loss was experienced by Leisure Lanes during the season, all funds in the escrow account at the end of the season shall be donated to the Davenport-Bettendorf USBC Young American Bowling Alliance.


Rule 14, New Teams


A team which enters the league after the season has begun shall assume the position standings of the team it replaces. If the franchise (sponsor) fee has been paid by the original team, the new team shall not be required to pay a franchise fee for the season and shall qualify for all prize money it wins from the date it enters competition, as well as all prize money won to that date by the team it is replacing.




a.    The annual banquet if this league shall be held with wives and/or girlfiends being honored guests.

b.    The banquet shall be held no sooner than the first Thursday following the final night of scheduled league bowling.

c.    Each person attending the banquet, excepting guests of the league, shall pay the required amount to the secretary-treasurer. This amount will be determined by the secretary-treasurer well in advance of the banquet date. Payment may be made by deduction from the prize envelopes, or by direct cash payment, if the latter is preferred by the attendee.

d.    Each team captain shall personally invite his sponsor and spouse to be honored guests of his team at the banquet. Each team is expected to pay for banquet reservations for the sponsor and spouse.

e.    Arrangements for the annual banquet shall be made through the efforts of a banquet committee, to be appointed each season by the league president.




The General Playing Rules and Regulations and the League Rules and Regulations of the United States Bowling Congress shall govern competition in this league, except where the league has exercised an option permitted by USBC rules.




The foregoing General Rules and Playing Rules of the Tri-City Classic Bowling League are up-to-date as of 1 Sep 2005