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On June 8th  2005, the Tri-City Classic League held it's annual Captains meeting at Leisure Lanes.  Below I have copied Cal's minutes of that meeting.

Minutes of 2005 summer meeting, Tri-City Classic

The summer meeting of the Tri-City Classic Bowling League was held at Leisure Lanes on Wednesday, June 8th, 2005. President Wally Ladewig called the meeting to order at 7:07 P.M. All teams, with the exception of Trophy World, were represented.

Establishment of the starting date for the 2005-06 season was the first item discussed. The Secretary offered two possible starting dates.  These were Aug. 25 and September 1. There will be only one open date, Thanksgiving. Thus, if the August 25 date were chosen, the final night would be on April 13, 2006 with the banquet on April 20. If the Sept. 1 date was selected, the last bowling night would be on April 20 with the banquet on April 27.

Motion by Paul Andrew, seconded by Dave Doane that our season will begin on September 1. Motion carried.

The weekly bowling fee was then discussed. Leisure is increasing the lineage fee from $7.25 per series to $7.50 per series. This will increase the amount owed to Leisure Lanes by $15.00 per week, or $495.00 for the entire season.

After some discussion, motion by Joel Carter, seconded by Greg Jump, to maintain the $18.00 weekly fee.  Motion carried.

The next agenda item pertained to the format of the schedule to be used in the 2005-06 season. After several seasons where the schedule was divided into thirds, we reverted back to halves in 2004-05.

Considerable discussion followed a presentation by Eric Littig wherein we would still have halves, but with the league operating in three divisions. Four teams, in order, based on last season's final standings, would be in the Cal Whitmore, Bob Neff and Bob Cosper divisions. Team assignments for the second half of the season would be based upon their record in the first half of the schedule.

Each team would bowl the other three teams in their division two times in each half, and will bowl the other eight teams once in each half. The 15th week of each half would consist of semi-final matches in which the team with the best record of all the teams would bowl the wild card team while the remaining two division leaders would bowl each other.  The wild card team would be the team having the best record, but without being a division leader. Week 16 of each half would have the two semi-final winners bowl for the championship of the half.

The final  night (week 33) of the season would pair the winners of each half in a match for the league championship.

Motion by Steve Etzel, seconded by Jeff Felske, to adopt the proposed schedule as presented by Eric Littig. Motion carried.

After the call for new business was made by President Ladewig, a motion by Paul Kelley, seconded by Jeff Felske, to change the league's starting time from 6:30 P.M. to 6:45 P.M. The reason for the proposed change is to allow additional time for those league members whose working hours make it difficult for them to arrive at Leisure Lanes by 6:30 P.M.

During discussion of the motion, it was noted that a bowler has five frames to catch up in the first game. This motion was defeated, meaning our starting time will remain at 6:30 P.M.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 P.M.

Respectively submitted,

Cal Whitmore, Sec-Treas.

Those in attendance were: Paul Andrew, Joel Carter, Todd Cook, Dave Doane, Steve Etzel, Jeff Felske, Gary Garnaas, Greg Jump, Paul Kelley, Wally Ladewig, Eric Littig, Rick Lorenzen, Kevin Phelps, Joe Strano, and Cal Whitmore.