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The Kita Ha Kempo Ju Jutsu Ryu


Kita Ha Kempo Ju Jutsu is designed for use in the street. Students learn to apply as much force as needed to control the situation, and increase their chances of getting out of a bad situation, legally, and psychologically, as well as physically. Emphasis is placed on self discipline, and self improvement, as well as combative efficiency.

Kita Ha Kempo Ju Jutsu is a combination of several Martial arts, mostly from Okinawa, Japan, and Brazil. Parts of the system date back to the time of Christ, and were originally designed as part of (Bugi) combative training used in war.

Kita Ha refers to two things, first it is roughly translated "Northern Ryu (family)" because Sensei Walk originally ran the northern most school of the United States Black Belt Association under His instructor Sensei Hurst. Secondly it means Sensei Walk's interpretation, combination, psychology, and ideas about the things learned over the years.

Kempo is a generic term, which roughly translated means "Boxing Method, and is primarily the striking part (Atemi) of the art. Striking is based on physics, bio-mechanics, and leverage. It allows a student to generate a great deal of force at a very short range. Most of the kicking is low and designed to attack an opponent's foundation, destroying his balance.

Ju Jutsu refers to the locking and throwing part of the art. Students learn to fall without being injured, and also how to do arm locks, (for control) and (Tachi Waza) body contact throws, and take downs.

Grappling is the ground fighting part of the art, Most of these techniques came from Brazilian ju jutsu, and Wrestling. Emphasis is placed on body position before submitting an opponent.
