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The Kita Ha Kempo Ju Jutsu Ryu

About The Instructor

Sensei Walk has been involved in the Martial arts for over twenty years in one form or another, and holds Black belt rank in the following arts as well as background in Isshinryu, Aiki Jutsu, Kobu Jutsu, Tae Kwon Do and others.

Shodan (1st Black) Goshiro Ryu Kempo Jutsu
Shodan (1st black) Okinowan Goju Kempo Karate
Shodan (1st Black) Goshiro Ryu Kempo Ju Jutsu
Nidan (2nd Black) Okinowan Karate Jutsu
Sandan (3rd Black) Honto Seishen Kan Kempo Ju Jutsu (The "House Art" at the time)
