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The Paintball Domain

Paintball Information

Paintball is a team sport that uses CO2 powered paintball guns to shoot or mark their opponents. Paintballs can't really do much damage, but when you get hit, it can sting. A must for paintball is protective eye wear, even when watching a game.

Games You Can Play


This scenario involves two teams with each team naming a president. This president usually has to wear an orange vest or something that stands out. The scenario includes secret service agents which keep the president from being hit, and assassins who hunt the other teams president. The game ends when one of the presidents is called out.

-Capture the Flag

This involves each team trying to capture the other's flag, while protecting their own. Usually the opposing teams flag has to make it to your flag station in order to win. A unique twist involves only one flag placed in the center. The flag then has to be carried to the opposing teams station in order to win.


A group of snipers take position in bushes with the remaining players trying to find and eliminate them. This one is tough for the snipers, but stealth tactics come in handy.


This is one of my all time favorite games!!! It includes two two story towers facing each other, with a barrier wall along each side. In between each tower are blockades used for cover. Flags are placed up in each tower and is played like capture the flag.


This game is played on a short course, usually with 2 on a team. It's played in a fairly open field with blockades spread throughout the course. Even though it usually involves 2 on a team, it can be fun to play with up to 5 or 6 on a team. The strategy is to defeat all of your opponents and then grab their flag. This game is timed so, make sure to hurry up and defeat all of your opponents.

-Quick Draw

This game is nuts in my opinion. It involves two playes, 30 or so feet apart, facing each other. The guns are placed on chairs or hay bails, and the game start after a ten second count. In order to be good here, you'll have to practice quick accuracy and firing. This game isn't suggested for those who don't want to be hurt. You're probably going to get hit folks.

What paintball gun do I buy? For help click here!
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What company makes the best paintball guns?

Brass Eagle
Kingman Inc.
Airgun Designs

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