MAY 2002


Printed by our friends at:

Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118

All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Elgin Almost city of the year:

By Richard Faykosh
CITY OF THE YEAR! Goes to Aurora!
They will be breaking ground for their new state of the art homeless shelter. One that will have pads, soup kitchens, Job training as well as job placement and much more.


did I not say something about this a few months back that Elgin needed to get off there duff and do something to help the homeless and become the City of the year.

But once again the backward City Of Elgin has made itself the donkey’s Ass of Illinois. So here Elgin sets with Egg on its face when it could have did what Aurora just did a year ago. Aurora will be known around the country to have a very workable homeless shelter. And cities will want to duplicate it.


I wish I could have been able to say," I’m from that Illinois City that has done something to help the homeless and it’s a very workable program." But I will be saying, I live in a city that could have, would have, done something to help the homeless like there famous Officer in the neighborhood program. But you see I can not say that.

But we could be the second city to do this if we act now! The City Of Elgin has any nerve at all. That’s right I’m talking about the backward city of Elgin. The casino, drug & Alcohol infested city of Illinois. Elgin thinks that by waiting for Aurora to build a great homeless shelter that the homeless from Elgin will go there. The problem with this is the 300 Elgin Homeless Are Elgin Homeless not Aurora's for your commits or

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By Joyce

I hope that all Mother’s have a "Happy Mother’s day, and may your day be happy, bright and filled with gifts to your delight.

Thank You,
With Love Joyce
Pager 868-8730
Email address

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR


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10 E. Main St. Suite 105

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If you would like to volunteer. Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

STORY ABOUT Joe One OF OUR HOMELESS (continued from last month)
By R.J.
Joe is hoping would be his ticket to getting off the streets. But we know that as soon as there is a labor cut in the field, a union member that has been paying dues for awhile will be taking this lower end position. It's all in the good of the union.
So Joe just figures that the doors may not open up for him. Because when your homeless it reaches far deeper then just appearance. It works on every fiber of you life. I told Joe that he just might do better by going to a non Union shop perhaps things could become better for him. He told me that he would consider it and perhaps if the right deal comes from it he just might do that. He said that the pay at first could be less but he just might have a better chance of moving up the ladder faster.
We looked in the papers for job listings. And I helped him put together a resume. I even got him some copies made to help him. Just in doing this for Joe seemed to put a more of a bounce in his step. And better feelings about him self. It built confidence in him. After a few weeks I had seen him and he was quite happy. He had got a job doing exactly what he was doing before with a better hospitalization package and he was making $2.00 more per hour then his union Job. And he did not have to pay the union dues and he got incentives on if the job got finished sooner then it was to be done.
Everyone in the company got incentives and bonus’s that made the employees very happy, better then some union shop. And his boss finding out that he was homeless set him up with a small savings account and got him into a small house trailer A one bedroom in a nearby town. Not far from the bosses place. He would pick Joe up every day.
The last time I saw Joe, he was very happy. He was now a foreman that made a good wage, had moved into his first small house and had gotten an old pickup truck for work. And he really felt good about himself. And he knew that he had to watch his self so that he would not fall back into the pit he was once in. (New Story next month)

SPORTS / VIEWS/ Commits from Richard’s desk!
Well we are into the baseball season. And already we have seen that a few Managers have been given the walking papers. Every since the last baseball strike things has been going down hill for the sport. A lot of old fans have left and have found real baseball in the peewee league. Where its being played with a real heart. In-fact it’s more enjoyable!

FOOTBALL Training Camp! DA! BEARS!
Seems to me that the Bears have lost a few good people! And they have picked up some good players from the draft. Will these players be a major impact?

Shawn Matthews has signed with the Redskins. The redskins asked that the bears to sign him to a new contract then they would have given the bears DRAFT CHOICES! DA! Bears did not do this but released him. Now they have him and the bears got nothing for it.
The players the Bears lost were very important to he team. And the Bears have made their mistakes. And once again it just might bite them in the butt. The players selected by the bears seem to be good picks right now. But how many of them will be an impact to this team.
Good choice in quarterbacks. But they should have moved up in the draft and got themselves a good young quarterback for the future.
(Let me know what you think?

Poem # 1

BY R. J.

There was a time,
For me to ease out,
Some sort of rhyme,
About this or that,
Perhaps of the clock and chimes,
People would marvel,
How much could be written,
In little time?
About how I feel,
All of this was mine,
But how it all passes,
And grows further by the hour,
It never ever lasses,
Well written material,
SHOOTable for the masses,
There was a time,
All that was written,
Was mine,
For awhile I'd dream,
Such a little time,
To put into,
A very simple rhyme,
Yet as days get bolder,

Poem #2
Dear Love

BY R. J. 7/1/69

Dear Love,
If ever we meet,
And upon these lines your eyes do read,
Understand a little more of me,
To know is not to know,
To understand is part,
To love eternal is true,
There you set in the path of life,
Very tired and weary of the pace,
You set to refresh and taste,
Head in hands such despair,
I reach out to touch your hair,
You know I'm there,
The little flicker of love loosing,
Now at a full blaze,
You look up and open your eyes,
All you see is all you've seen before,
But you know,
That in thought I was there,
Our twisted paths will meet,
And you will know me by my touch,
If not I'll walk on….

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