Printed By our friends at: Kinko’s 210 N. 8th St. West Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Something of the past brought to light.
By Richard J. Faykosh
It was one of those rainy mornings so I decided to stop for coffee.
Little did I know that I would get involved in a conversation that would rehash old feelings that I would not like.
As I sat down with two other people at the table, I just sat to find out what they were talking about. Before a short time the subject became so clear. They were talking about a time that I long hoped to forget. Times where we as a nation were tossed between a war we did not want. A war we did not need. A war that split people as the civil war did. Where I was spending my time doing draft counseling. Informing people how to get out of going to a hell they did not want to go. Where friends of mine had gone, a few not coming back and others never the same after. To those that ran across to Canada to get away from it. When the draft system was replaced by a lottery system to a volunteer system.
Going back to that time in my mind brought up a lot of ill feelings. A few more people seemed to join in as we talked. Then like a wall some one said something about what they read in the papers about all this gang involvement in the past few days.
Then one person said that at that time we did not have that kind of gang involvement. And how the now children had become organized crime groups called street gangs. Giving up their true families for a gang family. And how we are now fighting a Vietnam right here on the streets.
Then the subject came up. What if the draft system was put Back into place. And that when you became 16 years old you had to register. And at age 18 you would be drafted into the armed forces. Well lets look at the positive things.
Education, respect, discipline, self-determination, self-esteem, a career, and many other positive things, but as we found positive things so were there negative things to look at. How to kill a person, did take a sick mind and make it sicker.
Would our city's become any better with a draft system in place to what we have now?
What do you think about it? Have a round table on the subject and drop us an email on what you came up with.
Would the draft system be good or bad at this time in history?

Any comments to this article send your replies
You could use a library Computer

White color jobs going to India?
By Richard J. Faykosh
It was reported on TV that some companies are trying to cut cost in their front offices by cutting office jobs.
And how they are doing it is real mean. They are bringing in people from other countries and having the American workers train them.
Little, do they know that these people will go back to their country and do the work of the person that trained them at a 75% reduction in pay.
Replacing that person and putting them on the unemployment line. Causing this country to loose work force and weakling our economy a little bit more.

One or those companies is Best Buy.
So I say if they want to cut their cost by lying off workers perhaps they need to move their stores to those countries where they have hired office personal and take the business out of the USA.
Perhaps A boycott should happen. Since they are going broke anyway.
And Best Buy is not the only company doing this.
Any comments to this article send your replies
You could use a library Computer


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

By Richard Faykosh

Its turning into fall and it will soon be getting colder. I have been put at a new job site with a new security company. The man in charge of the site has an assistant that wants us to move the camper next to his house.
I can pay rent for a room there and Ben can stay in the camper.
This sounds good but we still have our jobs at Burger King. And the drive from Cary, Illinois takes us some traveling time.
I'm working security at a low-income housing project. And at night lots of things can happen. If we do not get shot at, we can get sprayed by a skunk. So we have to be careful.
I was doing this for some time when I decided to sell Ben the Chevy. And I wentgo back to the same dealer I had been going to get a different car.
They had a VW rabbit really cheap. So, I thought that I would pick up this car.
But it kept breaking down and at one point the brakes went out. So, now I was having public relations problems with the dealership. They also took my dodge pickup to sell. They had the title to it. They were going to put the money they got for the Pickup and put it on the VW rabbit. I asked them to switch me the VW for a different car. But they would not do that because they knew that they sold me a lemon.
Then Ben started a fire in the camper and almost caught it on fire. So I decided it was time to separate from the existing company of people and find a different living arrangement.
Once again I started looking into the local newspaper for a sleeping room. Because I was making enough money to get into a cheap sleeping room. And there was a few to look at.
One was from the place I got evicted from almost a year ago. So I went over to the place. My old landlord/boss had three sleeping room houses and two of them were in Carol Stream.
When I got there He told me that he had one room open in the house I use to live in. it was a front room a bit small for $75.00 a week. And that he needed one week deposit for me to get the room.
(To be continued next month)

"On vacation "
By Joyce

P.S. " If you have an angel story. Please! Send it to me.
Any comments on this please E-mail me.
Thank You, With Love Joyce
Email address

SPORTS / VIEWS/ Commits from Richard’s desk!
FOOTBALL Training Camp for DA! BEARS!
The real training camp will start July 25th on through Sept.
Now! We will see how this team has inproved over the last season.
What is your prediction for the coming year?
This month we will see the pre-Season games and judge how we feel the team wil fair!
What do you think?

As I set on the bank of the river

BY R.J Faykosh 7/31/3

Distant bells,
Sing as the ships come to port,
As I set on the bank of the river.
Distant blast of a horn,
As shouting of the board hands,
As I set on the bank of the river.
The clatter of the crane moving,
Men yelling orders to others,
As I set on the bank of the river.
The cranes chains tightens to lift,
As the men work to unload cargo,
As I set on the bank of the river.
Over and over chains are heard,
As unloading and loading goes on,
As I set on the bank of the river.
Distant Blast of the horn,
As shouting of the board hands,
As I set on the bank of the river.
Distant bells,
Sing as the ship leaves port,
As I set on the bank of the river.
Bells ringing,
Smoke stacks flowing,
As I set on the bank of the river.
As a young boy,
Watching ships come an go,
As I set on the bank of the river.

Sometimes Silence Is Golden
By R. J. Faykosh 7/31/03

Getting away from the clatter,
Getting away from the noise,
Sometimes silence is golden.
Getting away from the traffic,
Getting away from the people.
Sometimes silence is golden,
Setting by the river.
Setting under a tree,
Sometimes silence is golden.
Standing in the middle of a field,
Standing on top of a high hill.
Sometimes silence is golden,
Walking with the dog.
Walking all alone,
Sometimes silence is golden.
Pushing the baby stroller.
Pushing the shopping cart.
Sometimes silence is golden.
Setting on the edge of my bed.
Setting on the edge of the curb.
Sometimes silence is golden.
Setting watching you sleep.
Setting watching myself sleep.
Sometimes Silence is so very golden.
And I will not ever give it away.

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