August 2001

Printed By our friends at: Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Cell Phone users Beware!!!! Part #3::
By Richard Faykosh
Hello! Yes!
GOOD NEWS! More motorists using handhelds?

The National Highway Transportation Safety Board on Monday released a survey that indicates 3 percent of American drivers use handheld cellular phones while operating their vehicles.

THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY Traffic Safety Administration estimates that at least 500,000 drivers are talking on their cell phones simultaneously during the daytime. Rates nearly doubled during non-rush hours. Officials at the agency say this is the first such research report to quantify cell phone use on American highways. NHTSA data collectors observed more than 12,000 vehicles at 640 intersections around the country last fall.

An industry group estimates 119 million Americans use cell phones. Those driving vans and SUVs are most likely to use a cell phone while driving, while pickup drivers used them the least.

The survey does not cover “hand-free” phones that some drivers use and does not attempt to determine the phones’ role in accidents. NHTSA estimates that some form of driver distraction - including talking, eating, reading or even changing radio stations - is involved in 20 percent to 30 percent of all crashes. The survey had a margin of error of 1 percentage point. So the truth of the matter is what ever you do to distract you from driving can not only hurt you but others around you.

I had seen a program on TV that took several people through an obstacle course. They had everything that they would normally use in there cars. One lady has her own office in her car. She clamed to be an excellent driver. Yet very aware of things going around her while driving, In the test she hit a deer and totaled her car. It could have killed her. A man that talked on the cell phone and liked to change one CD for another also failed the test. He said that he will invest in a 6 disc CD player that would be placed in his trunk and a hands free cell phone. So what are we missing here? Should all the city's put into effect cell phone laws?



If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.


Then we ask about the OPEN LAND ON Rt.31? What happens to this land should be up to the people of Carpentersville.

And not the big time Public Bankers, Yet this is still unsolved, The more land that we take away from our farmers will put us in dire need of this resource. Let me explain. The corn crops go to make Gasoline for your cars, as well as feed grain for live stock. Now if we loose this land for houses and such. We loose the use of the gas products. So I guess its what you may want more housing or higher gas prices.

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730
"Little Inspirations FROM The Heart!!
By Joyce

Hope in the heart puts A smile on the face,
When the pressure is on, Press on!
Look for the blessing in every burden.
A heart filled with gladness,
and praise brings pleasure to God.

Children are more likely to do what you do,
then to do what you say..

We can't save time, but we can invest it.

TRY and remember these things each day, it will hopefully make the world a better place everyday.

GOD BLESS & LOVE as always

Thank You,
With Love Joyce
Pager 868-8730
Email address
hr> Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR


By Richard Faykosh

He told her that he was going to the library then, to the soup kitchen, and if she wanted to she could come along.
She really didn't want to because she figured that she would run into her school friends, this could cause her problems that she felt that she could not deal with.
So she went with him.

So off they went to the library. As they walked Tina could not stop talking about her school friends that may be at the library. John told her that he would not go right in that he would wait a few moments before he entered. This would give Tina time to scan the library, for a spot that they could sit and read a bit. So when they got there Tina went right in while, John waited outside.
This was okay because John saw some old friends standing at the door smoking. And started talking to them. By the time John was done Tina had already found a table away from everyone. John is a well-known homeless person in the area. As soon as he sat down one of the staff asked him to leave. Because the homeless are not welcome here any more, The homeless used to go there to protect themselves from the heat of summer and cold of winter.
Yes, they would read books. Some made problems but most of them were fine. But now the homeless are to suffer more. So Tina and John left the building. They were asked to leave the property. It's sad that the homeless are treated as dogs. They are not allowed on the property.

So Tina and John went to the soup kitchen. They still had a half-hour wait. But that’s okay, because this would insure them first to enter, and a pick to sit wherever they wish. John now kept saying that he was tired of being homeless. That Tina could help them both from being homeless. He also told her that his friend asked them both over to his place after the soup kitchen.
That he (John) really wanted to go. But he did not want to go alone. (Hinting to Tina for her to come along.) All through supper he kept saying that he wanted to go. Putting Tina on the spot. So Tina said okay she will go, So after soup they head out to his friends place. She asked how far do they have to walk and John says that its on Michigan St. after a long walk they get to the door. They are treated real well, Tina Sat watching some long missed TV.
While John is in the kitchen, After about an hour John announce to Tina that they are asked to stay the night. This is such good news to Tina. To be able to be in an Apartment instead of being on the street, A woman comes out of the kitchen carrying a bottle of beer. She tells Tina that she can have one if she likes. Tina says Sure. Knowing that this will be a new experience for her.
After a while she is given another one. She takes it not noticing that it was already open. Then still later, she finds herself getting real high. Then she passes out. The other people and John continue their party. Enjoying what ever they had in the kitchen. Then the lady of the house goes out to check on Tina. She comes back into the kitchen. And she tells the rest of the party that Tina is out cold. Now those at the party knew that it was PARTY TIME.

(Continued Next Month)


BY R. J. 6/18/90
At home at last,
To relax,
When the phone begins to ring,
Off you go,
It's an old girl friend that you have Not heard from for a long while.
As you talk things get tense.
Then the tone changes,
The voice says..
"Have you heard what happened to?
What happened?
(now all those feelings are starting to run)
(The man you once loved is parted and gone.)
The very one that you kept dear to your heart.
For so very long.
Even though you both grew further apart.
Yet you still love him with all your heart.
(The voice tells you how it happened.)
(And when of course)
And how he had struggled to end with a loss.
The phone goes silent,
as the voice seems to ECHO in the distance.
And all those feelings long shoved away.
Return now in such of a full rage.
Things you could never tell him.
It's long past age.
Clutching the receiver.
Your palm is all wet.
All seems dark.
As you lay the receiver back into its cradle.
Your eyes fill with tears.
And slow crystal drops roll down your warm cheek.
Now to set::
In what seems to be the darkest room of your life.
All the emptiness that ever was.
Now caresses you're being.
All that burning love for him.
Never be shared or even known.
The love you could never show.
Now all those notes and letters of old.
Hidden in the desk deep cold.

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