Printed By our friends at: Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

"Merry Christmas Everyone "
BY Joyce
I hope your holidays are bright, and all are well. Keep safe, Be happy, God Bless.

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change.

The Courage to change the things I can.

And the Wisdom to know the difference.

Thank You,

With Love Joyce

Pager 868-8730 Email address

Good Bye Friend:
By Richard Faykosh
Well after over 6 years of helping us help the homeless and being part of our ministry. It’s sad that you will no longer be able to get your Trinity News at Lemstones. Perhaps if we would have mentioned that I am part of the holy brother hood known as the order of Melchizedek mentioned in Genesis 14/18. This is where the lines of King David started. And we do not teach by word but by action. As in Matthew 5 states.. We teach by action, not in word. So Lemstones has ask us not to drop off any more of our papers there. So as the bible states in Genesis 18 start at verse 20.. We will no longer speak of this matter and as its written. We will kick off the dirt from our feet as a testimony to these. We will not allow ourselves to become some religious faction that preaches and bears no fruit. So, you can pick up your copies of Trinity at Funkey Monkey, At both libraries Elgin & Dundee. And we are working on some street corner boxes for the future. Since we do not charge and we do not gather donations in cash. We have to pay for these from my weekly paycheck.

By Richard Faykosh
We the people have in the past few months gone through such hideous pressure. Yet, Homeless persons are working next to those digging at ground Zero. It just says a lot about the homeless persons of this country. And now that there is a growth in homelessness across this country. A real need is starting to come forth. And that is there is a lot of people out there that really needs help. The help we are talking about is those that are very close to being one of the homeless. These people need help now so that they will not over strain the population of the homeless already taking the system to its limits.


The numbers are getting larger in the homeless community. Those that we have talked about before being so close to becoming homeless are now homeless. And twice that amount is now on the edge of becoming homeless. So much so the Christian Churches can not help. And your local government will not help. And the state Government is too worried about themselves. So where does a homeless person go to for help? Gosh! There is no where. If they go to Public.Action (to) .Deliver .Shelter. They can only take in so many people. And the rest will have to live on the streets. So far it’s been warm. But we may have cold before snow. And it could be a freezing cold. One that will take lives. So I guess you have no feelings for some one dyeing in the cold. Why should you? You will never live on the streets. And five years ago these homeless people said the same as your saying today… I would like to hear your thoughts on this. You can send us an Email to Just let us know your questions, thoughts, or suggestions.If you do not have a computer to send us a note. Then use the one at your local libarary.


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730 this call will cost you .35 cents.

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR


By Richard Faykosh

I was riding to work on the bike one day. And on the bike path I seen a young man by the River edge. Something with in compelled me to ride up to him. At first I said nothing, As I looked out over the river. I then turned to the man and mentioned how nice it was to just set and look out over the river. And how much at peace it is. He turned to me with a bit of a smile. And said that he felt the peace also. And that he came here often just to try to think things out. I told him that there is many places that I go to just think things out. But sometimes it’s just nice to talk to someone when the feeling warrants it. We drew quiet, and I started to move away. When the young man started to speak. He had put in a very difficult position. And he was having some real hard times with it. A sitution to the matter would not come easy.
He told me that his name was Eddie. And that he had fell into a scam. It seems that he was looking to move from his place of residents. Because of some things had happened. He had to take a lower paying job, so he could keep on working. And when that did not work. This girl he knew asked him to move in with her. She said that they could share rent. He thought that this could be nice, To be able to share rent and keep pretty much the same life style. So he had agreed in doing this. So he made plans on moving his things to her place. She had quite a big place with plenty of room. And he had his own bedroom and the other things would be mixed in the other rooms with her stuff. It seemed to be very workable. So he moved his things in the apartment. After a few months Eddie noticed that small things would not be found. He thought that they might have been misplaced. But as time went on more and more things were becoming lost. After a few months he had more things missing. Then he found out that the rent was always short as well as all the other bills. That more and more money and his items were becoming missing. And the stories that he received from his roommate were getting more unbelievable. He really tried to gather more money to pay up the bills his self and pay them direct but it had become too late. He even went out and sold some of his things his self-trying to save the place. But the landlord said that the only way was him to serve the eviction notice and the both of them move. Then he would consider renting to him alone. This sounded real good. But after the notice was served and he moved out. He returned to talk to the landlord. And he had changed his mind. So now he was on the street with his things in storage. Now he is working and the cost of the storage is taking a lot out of him. He is making $300.00 a week. And the storage is taking $50.00 a week. He has to eat. So the food bill by the day living in restaurants is around $20.00 a day. That will add up to $190.00 a month. ( To Be Continued)


BY R. J.

Many students have come,
Some will stay,
Like a tree in good soil,
Brings forth fruit.
Some fruit falls before ripeness.
This fruit rots,
Some fruit will stay and ripen.
Bear seed,
Releases seed,
And some of this seed,
Will not act on what was thought.
And will waste away,
Other seed will take root,
And grow,
And be as the teacher,
The father and mother.
This tree has seen many harvest,
And has had its death in winter,
To be born into another storing.
To bear fruit,
For the harvest,
For you can only be one,
With your teacher,
Until the harvest,
Then you become one with thee!

Children & Adults
by R.J.

Sunshine bright,
Such delight,
Day time games that’s right,
You need the son for sight.
Little Children at play,
What could I say,
About Today.
A very peaceful way,
The young girls smile.
Quite different in time,
Showing a sweet style,
That in silence chimes,
Sunshine bright,
Such delight,
Night time games ripe,
You need light for sight.
Older Children at play,
What shouldn’t I say?
About he way,
They love to dismay,
An older girl cry’s,
Very different in time,
Showing a sad style,
In silence she screams....

We are looking for a sponsor for this page of poems. If you are interested in paying for the printing of this page please let us know by paging me at 1 - 847 - 468 - 9616 We can tell you a payment with your information will be needed. At a cost of $75.00 per month.
We are looking for some needed workers. Either volunteers or those that would like to make a little Monthly cash money. If you're interested please contact us by the pager number above or email us at

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DeWitt Hair Design

12 E.Main street East Dundee ILL.


Firestone Tires & Service

160 S Western (ILL Rt.31)

Carpentersville Illinois. 847-426-7757

Dundee Super Market

Corner of Lincoln & Washington St.

West Dundee Ill.

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